H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Flavour Physics 1 B-Physics at Belle and Belle II Physics at B-Factories Upgrade at KEK: SuperKEKB and Belle II The Belle II Pixel Vertex Detector Analysis of Belle data Team Director: Allen Caldwell Project Leader: Hans-Günther Moser Staff: Jelena Ninkovic (Minerva), Christian Kiesling, Vladimir Chekelian, Postdocs: Jeremy Dalseno, Luigi Li Gioi, Paola Avella PhD. Students: Veronika Chobonova, Christian Koffmane, Andreas Moll, Elena Nedelkovska, Kolja Prothmann, Andreas Ritter, Martin Ritter, Pit Vanhoefer, Felix Müller Master Students: Fernando Abudinen, Stefan Petrovics Sebastian Skambraks, Raoul Leschka Technical Support: Karlheinz Ackermann & more HLL: Rainer Richter, Laci Andricek, Andreas Wassatsch Anastasja Plis, Martina Schnecke, Gerhard Liemann. and more
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 B-factories – a huge success! 2 » Measurements of CKM matrix elements and angles of the unitarity triangle Confirmation of CKM theory =>Nobel Prize in 2008 » Observation of direct CP violation in B decays » Measurements of rare decays (e.g., B , D ) » b s transitions: probe for new sources of CPV and constraints from the b s branching fraction » And more…… B 0 tag _
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, Fantastic performance much beyond design values! Luminosity at the B Factories
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Motivation for Upgrade Measure CKM elements as precisely as possible Overconstrain unitarity triangle Look for deviations from SM => Need about 50 ab -1 Babar/BelleWith 50 ab -1 (same central values) 4
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Sensitivity to New Physics 5 New Physics can enter in loops and Can show up as deviations from SM predictions for rare decays or other highly supressed quantities Depending on couplings mass scales beyond LHC can be reached e.g. sin2 may differ in loop dominated b-> sss transitions if new particles enter in the loop. With 10ab -1 statistical and theoretical uncertainties equal. -
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 e- 2.6 A e+ 3.6 A To get x40 higher luminosity Colliding bunches e+ Damping ring New beam pipes & bellows Belle II New IR Replace beam pipes to suppress electron cloud (TiN-coated beam pipe with antechambers) Redesign the lattice to squeeze the emittance (replace short dipoles with longer ones, increase wiggler cycles) Reinforce RF systems for higher beam currents New positron capture section New superconducting final focusing magnets near the IP Low emittance electron gun KEKB to SuperKEKB Improve beam monitors and control system 6
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, Work on the upgrade/replacement of various sub detectors has started Since 2009 MPP is member of Belle and Belle II and contributes to the pixel vertex detector A MoU with KEK was signed in 2011 with KEK (and BMBF & DESY) Belle II upgrade
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Significant improvement in z-vertex resolution PXD: 2 layer Si pixel detector (DEPFET technology) (R = 1.4, 2.2 cm) monolithic sensor thickness 75 µm (!), pixel size 50 x 55 µm² to 50 x 85µm² (depending on layer and z) SVD: 4 layer Si strip detector (DSSD) (R = 3.8, 8.0, 11.5, 14.0 cm) 15 m 30 m Belle Belle II p sin( ) [GeV/c] σ [µm] PXD PXD+SVD Silicon Tracking Belle II 8
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 DEPFET m 50 m Cut through the matrix Active pixel sensor Very good signal/noise => thin sensors possible All silicon modules No support needed Low power No material for active cooling Unmatched material budget (0.21% X0 including ASICs) Invented, developed and produced at the MPG semiconductor laboratory (formerly known as semiconductor lab of MPP and MPE)
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 DEPFET Production 10 Sensor production started in July batches with 13 and 18 wafers Running smoothly, ahead of schedule Other commitments of MPP -Mechanical support -Assembly & testing -CO 2 cooling electrical dummy for electronic test Ready, needs to be assembled and tested
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 SuperKEKB construction 11 Calendar Japan FY ・・ ・・・ KEKB operation KEKB operation SuperKEKB operation Upgrade Linac operation for SuperKEKB, PF, PF-AR Upgrade Linac operation for SuperKEKB, PF, PF-AR Linac Belle II roll in QCS install Belle roll out Detector upgrade to Belle II Dismantling KEKB Fabrication and tests of ring components Install and set up DR tunnel MR & DR buildings Electricity and cooling facility Linac upgrade / operation for PF&PF-AR Nov Jan summer SuperKEKB Schedule
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Analysis of Belle Data 12 Final analyses using complete Belle data set (711 fb -1, 772x10 6 B-events) 2012: 13 papers with MPP members as authors, 3 more available as preprint Activities at MPP: published paper in prep. v v In work v
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Analysis of 13 b -> u transitions at tree level: Including penguins
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Analysis of 14 Decays highly suppressed -> high background level New analysis strategy: minimize cuts, use multi-variable fit instead => Improve sensitivity Excluded: 23.8° < Φ 2 < 66.8° Tree dominated, color suppressed decay 4 pion final state, large background (0.1% signal!) Helicity analysis to separate CP even & odd states Papers in preparation
H.-G. Moser, Advisory Board Meeting, July 2, 2013 Summary 15 Many activities in the analysis of Belle data could need more PhD-students (but positions limited, especially due IMPRS cuts) Upgrade of KEKB to superKEKB and Belle to Belle II progressing well PXD Sensor production has started and is running smoothly batch of 13 wafers in production since July nd batch (18 wafers) has started February 2013 Further MPP contribution: support, cooling (CO 2 ), assembly Delivery date of PXD: August 2015 First data taking: End of 2016 Belle II collaboration meeting in Bad Aibling, July 2012