Observe the following handouts regarding Decolonization in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Answer the questions on the handouts.
Project Example
Observe the following handouts regarding Decolonization in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Answer the questions on the handouts.
1 st World, 2 nd World, & 3 rd World
Cuban Revolution, Independence from Spain, since 1902; experiences numerous U.S. military interventions (Platt Amendment). Fulgencio Batista, and – U.S. private investments in Cuba & military aid July, 1953 – “July 26 Movement” – Attack on Moncada Barracks in Santiago 2 - Amnesty to Fidel & Raul Castro
Cuban Revolution, Dec., 1956, return to Cuba 4 - Hide in Sierra Maestra Mountains 5 - Batista flees Cuba on 1 Jan., 1959 – Jan., 2, 1959, Castro marches into Santiago – Jan 8, 1959, Castro marches into Havana Dramatically reforms Cuban society
Bay of Pigs Invasion, April, In response to U.S. assets being nationalized - Cuban exiles trained by CIA - Failed U.S. attempt to depose Fidel Castro and his Communist regime
U.S. Jupiter ballistic missiles in Italy & Turkey Summer, Cuba & Soviet Union agree to missile sites Agreement: Official – 1 - Cuba dismantles bombs, 2 - U.S. agrees to not invade Cuba; Unofficial – - U.S. removes bombs from Italy & Turkey PGM-19 Jupiter
Consequences of Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct (1) Moscow-Washington Hotline, the “red phone” – direct communication (2) LTBT / PTBT – Nuclear agreement to ban all nuclear tests above ground and to slow the nuclear arms race (3) Krushchev removal – Oct., 1964, Premier Krushchev is replaced by the Politburo, as the Soviet Union Supreme leadership felt humiliated
Part of Wounded Knee National Historic Landmark for sale Handout: (1) What is this parcel of land by? (2) Why is this site, according to the owner, worth more than $14,000? (3) What does the owner want to see?
Incident at Wounded Knee 1973 – Occupation at Wounded Knee, SD – Feb. 27 – May 5, 1973, 71-day occupation – Why? Rapid City Wounded Knee (1) Frustration over Richard Wilson, Tribal Chairman (2) Anger over lost land and $$$$ promises “We Shall Remain – Wounded Knee”: What is the importance and meaning of this local historical event?