EuroGroups Register Almira Hecimovic, Register Unit 1 Register Unit, Study visit Georgia
Future Conceptual Model? Register Unit, Study visit Georgia
Purpose : To measure the economical impact of globalisation in EU Harmonisation of statistics and statistical surveys for main users – EUROSTAT with FATS and FDI, ECB, NSIs and NCBs The main objective on EGR: To cover the population of Multinational Enterprise Groups (MNE) operating in EU (EFTA countries included) Project duration time EGR is in operation 2013 Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 3 Purpose and objective
The key benefits of this register Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 4 A coordinated framework for EU-statistics related to globalisation – The EGR provides a service to organise and coordinate sampling, data collection and production of statistics on globalisation in Member States and Eurostat. Minimizing the administrative burden on enterprises - The EGR offers the opportunity to use data available in existing sources (private as well as public), especially in the case of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Quality improvement - The EGR process has the potential to create synergy by mobilising the information, knowledge and resources within Member States: a network of statistical business registers
Register Unit, Study visit Georgia Legal frame for Data Exchanges REGULATION (CE) N. 177/2008 OF THE PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on Cmmunity Statistical Business Registers 20 February 2008 Art. 11 Data Exchange b/w Commission (Eurostat) and National Statistical Institute Art. 12 Data Exchange b/w Commission (Eurostat) and National Central Banks Implementing Regulation N. 192/ March 2009 Implementing Regulation N. 1097/ November
Register Unit, Study visit Georgia Esperienze tematiche in corso in Istat in ambito SDMX: l’EuroGroups Register National Statistical Institutes EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK National Central Banks Central EuroGroup Register (EUROSTAT) Data flows (according to implementing regulations) Statistical BR data on MNEs Statistical BR data
Organisation of work Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 7 Eurostat is project owner ESS Net on EGR – it´s work is part of the EGR programme defined by Eurostat and approved by the WG on BR & Statistical Units Steering Group on EGR - monitors the EGR programme ESS Net on profiling – methods and rules on profiling ESSNet on Consictency – in target popualtion, statistical units, variables and characteristics TF on definding UCI Grants
Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 8 EGR - Version /
Concept of authenticity Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 9 Authentic store – Defines the place or storage of the original EGR data. Authentic source – The concept of authentic source means that in the EGR network is decided which source is accepted as the one and the only source for which data. (based on Quality requirements) Unique Identifier – Identification Service Consolidation, Validation, Update
EGR - Version Register Unit, Study visit Georgia
Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 11 Economic/statistical World (global) Global Enterprise group Legal entity Legal/administrative World (global) Local (legal) entity Global Enterprise Local unit EGREGR Economic/statistical World (sub-global) Truncated Enterprise group Truncated Enterprise Local unit Legal/administrative World (sub-global) Legal or operational entity (sub global) Local unit legal or operational SPE A generalized SBR (EGR) model
Sweden´s participation in the EGR project Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 12 Eurostat request to all NSA:s, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, to provide lists of enterprise groups operating in more than one country Based on the business register, FATS and FDI information at NSI: Lists over largest enterprises in Sweden owned by foreign enterprise – ranked by empoloyees in Sweden List over all Swedish enterprises that together covers 80 % of value added Transformation rules for Swedish national identifier in BR
Sweden´s participation in the EGR project, cont Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 13 Grants for testing and matching of Legal Units for Swedish enterprises - to check and correct the data on matching and send results back to EUROSTAT Grants for methods on priority and preference rules The questionnaire on BR cooperation between NSI and NCB Steering Group on EGR, but even through Working Group on BR
Sweden´s participation in the EGR project, cont Register Unit, Study visit Georgia Grants for Business Use Case Modeling 2009/2010 – integration of the central EGR into the national environment Grants for development of the Tools for data exchange with the central EGR at Eurostat and database model for connecting the NBR and national enterprise groups register 2010/
The final results – EGR is in full operation Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 15 Final population on Multinational Enterprise Groups (MNEs) in More frequent updates from private sources and from MS MNEs or more?? EGR is integrated in statistical production - A main objective of the EGR is to serve as a frame for the coordination of statistics Remote access to EGR for users outside the Eurostat
EGR Population Register Unit, Study visit Georgia 16 Number of enterprise groups Number of top MNEsNumber of national legal units in the EGR groups Total EGR Sweden Total EGR Sweden Total EGR Sweden
Thanks for your attention Almira Hecimovic, Register Unit Register Unit, Study visit Georgia