Where can you stay when you travel/study abroad? apartments student accommodation homestay
What is youth hostels like? 4,5,6-bed rooms/ community kitchens/ clean showers/ a lounge What is the advantage of having a Youthpass? Travellers under 26/ cheap train fares/ any 10 days in a 2-month Why is it a good idea to buy travel insurance? Not ruined / against theft or loss of luggage
Internet Research What ? She has been doing research for her holiday. Where ? She is planning to go to France and Italy. When ? In July.
Tick the things Mei Jie has planned for in her budget. accommodation train travel food clothes phone calls photos taxis souvenirs DVDs entry to museums √ √ √ √ √ √
Location: Peru is a country lies _________________ _________________ on the Pacific coast of South America.
_____ , the capital of Peru. Lima
Peru National flag National emblem
______,the ancient Inca capital, and now is a lively city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen. Cuzco
___________________, runs parallel to the Pacific coast, and it is the longest mountains in the world.runs parallel to “the” 用在江河湖海、山脉、 群岛、海峡、沙漠等地理名词前。 The Andes Mountains
_____________, the highest lake in the world. Lake Titicaca
Machu Picchu_____________, the famous Inca ruins.
1. parallel adj. 平行的;相同的;类似的 铁路线和那条道路平行。 The railway lines run parallel to the road. 在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。 My experience in this matter is parallel to yours.
2. abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的 be abundant in 富于 , 很丰富 abundance n. 丰富 in abundance 大量,充裕 an abundance of 很多的......
3. govern v. 管理,统治 = rule The country is governed by the elected representatives of the people. v. 控制,影响 control / influence 你决不要受别人意见的支配。 You must not be governed by the opinions of others. governance government governor
4. destination: n. 目的地 我们终于到达了目的地。 We eventually arrived at our destination. 生命可以被比作一次不知目的地的旅行。 Life can be compared to a journey with an unknown destination.
Read the brochure below and answer the following questions.
A.Ann likes an active holiday and don’t need first class accommodation. B.Jane enjoys learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country they are visiting.She prefers to see beautiful sceneries through the windows of a bus. C.Kate prefers to learn about the history of the India culture. D.Mary will spend 16 days in and around Cuzco and take all the 4 tours, which tour would be best to do last? E.Tom is adventurous and enjoy wildlife especially birds. Tours 1 and 4 Tour 2 Tour 3 Tour2 Tour 4
各种各样的 靠近,聚集 对 … 目瞪口呆 全日坐车旅游 浮岛 给 … 机会做 … 观赏西班牙式建筑 由导游陪同的旅游 保护林 保持观鸟记录 a variety of close up be amazed by a full-day trip the floating islands give an opportunity to admire the Spanish architecture a guided tour a forest reserve hold the record for the most bird sightings
Uros’ floating Island
Imagine you have ten days holiday. Then your group plans to spend eight days in and around Cuzco. Discuss which two tours you will like. You’d better use the following useful expressions: Discussion
Words and expressions for you: We would … You might… It would be possible to …. It isn’t possible to … …would be a perfect place for us. I don’t think you’d enjoy … … would probably suit us.