14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth Future Harvard ATLAS Plans John Huth
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth General Philosophy Take advantage of vertical integration of talents in muon subsystem –Electronics, DAQ, Triggering, Reconstruction, Computing –Commissioning, Operations, Data Analysis –Upgrades Unique experience in top physics throughout group – a major focus Analysis expertise at Harvard computing clusters
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth 2009 Extension of current efforts –Muon subsystem commissioning and operations –Muon DAQ and online monitoring –Muon reconstruction software –Physics analysis!! (Z pt distribution, W’, Z’; top; BSM), participation in “Full Dress Rehearsal” (FDR) –Tier 2 Center w/ Boston U –Local computing cluster (4096 nodes, 1 PB disk) –High-level trigger core software –Magnetic field studies –Understanding luminosity, acceptance, efficiencies
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth New Tasks Considered High Level Trigger –Navigation code –Efficiency measurements Cathode Strip Chamber Read Out Driver (CSD- ROD) –Current design has problems – 80 Hz max rate –Exploring possible effort from N. Felt (EE) supported from M+O on fixes to this FPGA reprogramming
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth Longer Term ( ) Many mid-term upgrades will depend on performance evaluations in the next year –Occupancies, radiation damage, rate limitations Luminosity evolution through 1E35, shutdown in 2015 –Inner tracker will definitely need to be replaced –Most of calorimeters are OK (fwd EM has problems) –DAQ will need an upgrade, including front ends –Forward muons will likely need an upgrade
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth Several discussions have occurred between ATLAS, CMS, and machine recently Culminated in an agreed working model at LHCC meeting 1st July Peak luminosity evolution: LHC cannot exceed 0.4 x 10E34 cm-2 s-1 until collimators installed and operational ~2012 In winter shutdown : Switch from Linac2 to new Linac4: brighter beam, ultimate current New large-aperture focussing quadrupoles: * from 55 cm to 25 cm sLHC in 2017: more injector chain improvements and or machine elements will give the potential for >= 1035 cm-2 s-1 There is always a ramping time before benefitting fully from improvements Present model of luminosity evolution
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth (Speculative) Evolution of luminosity with time
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth Muon Performance Current design is considered robust up to 5x expected background rates or beyond in central region Could work well into 2016 and beyond However, triggering on forward muons has been problematic in many hadron collider experiments Harvard expertise in electronics and chamber construction Data from early running are critical!
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth...Worst case If safety factor not needed If background ~ as predicted, only forward chambers need to be replaced. If 5x predicted, most chambers need replacing Very important to measure BG ~6 types of radiation monitor in ATLAS; R&D project to compare to predictions Improving shielding is difficult Best option is all Berillium beam-pipe, reduces background factor 2 or 3 Also if chambers are smaller, makes space for more shielding: micromegas and new TGC's can make trigger and do precision measurement in one chamber
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth Possible fwd muon technologies
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth Distribution of effort MDT commissioning, operations, reconstruction: Belloni, Black, Guimares, Huth, Moed, students –G. Brandenburg available for consulting Toroidal B-field: Morii, students Computing: Huth, Nutta (sys-admin), students Trigger: Franklin, Mills, Morii, students Electronics: Guimares, Felt, Oliver Muon technologies: Morii, students Physics analysis: All
14 Aug. 08DOE Review John Huth In Summary We are a strong and vibrant group, with expertise from detectors, front end electronics, to computing and data analysis. Although a main focus is on muons at the moment, we are diversifying into the trigger and analyses that use the entire detector (e.g. top)