Text Complexity Canyons School District adapted from Kansas State Department of Education for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
CSD Professional Learning Expectations 1.This is a safe place for learning; all ideas are worth consideration. 2.Please be respectful of those around you; avoid sidebar conversations. 3.Use technology to enhance learning (e.g. online shopping = inappropriate; taking notes = appropriate; cell phones silenced = very appropriate). 4.Your participation is needed; please engage in learning and put away outside work. 5.Everything we do here should reflect our commitment to preparing students for citizenship, college and careers.
Purpose of this meeting: 1.Introduce Canyon’s new text selection policy and the process for text selection (tied to the ELA Common Core). 2.Outline the essential components of text complexity as it affects text selection in the ELA Common Core. 3.Provide resources for accessing informational text. 4.Structure group time to analyze your own school’s currently- used texts. 3
Reflection 4 Think back to a text or a reading task from college that was especially challenging. Describe that experience.
Text Complexity “The goal is to graduate students who can read and comprehend independently and proficiently the complex texts found in college and careers” (CCSS, Appendix A, page 2).
CSD STANDARDS FOR APPROVED TEXTS/LISTS 1.The Evidence-Based Learning Department will maintain a list of approved texts and supplemental resources. 2.The list will include information regarding correlation of the text to State and Common Core Standards. 3.Recommendations for inclusion on the list of approved texts can be made at the end of each grading period (no fewer than three times a year) by school-based personnel, district personnel, and parents in the community. Introduce Canyon’s new text selection policy and the process for text selection (tied to the ELA Common Core). 6
CSD STANDARDS FOR APPROVED TEXTS/LISTS (cont.) 4. Concerns related to text approval will be resolved by utilizing existing communication channels (for example, meetings with departments and/or school representatives and other necessary district personnel), utilizing rubrics that qualitatively and quantitatively assess the match between intended reader(s), text in question, and assigned task(s). 5. Should the existing communication channels not lead to a decision, the matter may be referred to a District committee. 7
A Visual Representation of the Range and Complexity of the Existing Core Compared to the Common Core 8
Given the gaps between where students are when they graduate and where they need to be for college & careers, what do we need to do to better prepare them? As you watch this short clip, identify two main ideas. Be prepared to share your ideas with a partner. 9Source:
Emphasis on Complex Text 10
Share Out 11Source: What ideas require a shift in current thought, pedagogy or practices?
Shift Happens 12Source: The Common Core identifies two types of text: Informational & Literary Informational includes:Literary Text Includes: ExpositionFiction ArgumentationLiterary Non-fiction ProceduralPoetry
13Source: So what does the common core say?
Specifically, within reading standard #10: Anchor Standard: R.CCR.10Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. Example Grade-level Standard (6 th grade): RI.6.10By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Text Complexity 14
So… What do the Common Core Standards mean by text complexity? What is a text complexity band? and How do we ensure the texts our students are reading are in the appropriate text complexity band? Guiding Questions 15
16 Outline the essential components of text complexity as it affects text selection in the ELA Common Core. Text complexity is defined by: 2.Qualitative measures – levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader. 1.Quantitative measures – readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software. 3.Reader and Task considerations – background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned often best made by educators employing their professional judgment.
Where do we find texts in the appropriate text complexity band? Choose an excerpt of text from Appendix B: 17 We can…. or… Use available resources to determine the text complexity of other materials on our own.
A Four-step Process: Determining Text Complexity 18 Quantitative Qualitative Reader and Task 4.Recommend placement in the appropriate text complexity band. 3.Reflect upon the reader and task considerations. 2.Analyze the qualitative measures of the text. 1.Determine the quantitative measures of the text.
19 Measures such as: Word length Word frequency Word difficulty Sentence length Text length Text cohesion Step 1: Quantitative Measures
Quantitative Measures Ranges for Text Complexity Grade Bands Canyons Common Core Standards The K-1 suggested Lexile range was not identified by the Common Core State Standards and was added by Canyons.
Step 1: Quantitative Measures 21 Let’s imagine we want to see where a text falls on the quantitative measures “leg” of the text complexity triangle, using the Lexile text measures. For illustrative purposes, let’s choose Harper Lee’s 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
Finding a Lexile Measure for Text: / / Step 1: Quantitative Measures 22
Step 1: Quantitative Measures 23
Step 1: Quantitative Measures 24
Step 1: Quantitative Measures 25 For texts not in the Lexile database, consider using the Lexile Analyzer: Registration is required (free) Allows user to receive an “estimated” Lexile score Accommodates texts up to 1000 words in length Texts of any length can be evaluated using the Professional Lexile Analyzer—educators can upgrade to this tool for free by requesting access
Step 1: Quantitative Measures 26 Additional Resources for Lexile Measures: Overview video “What Does the Lexile Measure Mean?” “Lexile Measures and the Common Core State Standards”
Step 1: Quantitative Measures 27 Lexile Text Measure: 870L In which of the text complexity bands would this novel fall?
Text Complexity Grade Bands Suggested Lexile Range K-1100L – 500L* L – 790L L – 980L L – 1155L L – 1305L 11-CCR1215L – 1355L Quantitative Measures Ranges for Text Complexity Grade Bands Canyons Common Core Standards The K-1 suggested Lexile range was not identified by the Common Core State Standards and was added by Canyons.
Step 1: Quantitative Measures 29 Remember, however, that the quantitative measures is only the first of three “legs” of the text complexity triangle. Our final recommendation may be validated, influenced, or even over-ruled by our examination of qualitative measures and the reader and task considerations.
30 Step 2: Qualitative Measures Measures such as: Levels of meaning Levels of purpose Structure Organization Language conventionality Language clarity Prior knowledge demands
Step 2: Qualitative Measures 31 The Qualitative Measures Rubrics for Literary and Informational Text : The rubric for literary text and the rubric for informational text allow educators to evaluate the important elements of text that are often missed by computer software that tends to focus on more easily measured factors.
Step 2: Qualitative Measures 32 Because the factors for literary texts are different from information texts, these two rubrics contain different content. However, the formatting of each document is exactly the same. And because these factors represent continua rather than discrete stages or levels, numeric values are not associated with these rubrics. Instead, four points along each continuum are identified: high, middle high, middle low, and low.
Step 2: Qualitative Measures 33 So… How is the rubric used? And how would To Kill a Mockingbird fair when analyzed through the lens of the Literary Text Rubric?
Step 2: Qualitative Measures 34
Step 2: Qualitative Measures 35 Lexile Text Measure: 870L From examining the quantitative measures, we knew: But after reflecting upon the qualitative measures, we believed:
Step 2: Qualitative Measures 36 Quantitative Qualitative Reader and Task Our initial placement of To Kill a Mockingbird into a text complexity band changed when we examined the qualitative measures. Remember, however, that we have completed only the first two legs of the text complexity triangle. The reader and task considerations still remain.
37 Step 3: Reader and Task Considerations such as: Motivation Knowledge and experience Purpose for reading Complexity of task assigned regarding text Complexity of questions asked regarding text
Step 3:Reader and Task Considerations 38 Questions for Professional Reflection on Reader and Task Considerations : The questions provided in this resource are meant to spur teacher thought and reflection upon the text, students, and any tasks associated with the text.
Step 3:Reader and Task Considerations 39 The questions included here are largely open-ended questions without single, correct answers, but help educators to think through the implications of using a particular text in the classroom.
Step 4: Recommended Placement 40 Step 4: Recommended Placement After reflecting upon all three legs of the text complexity model we can make a final recommendation of placement within a text and begin to document our thinking for future reference.
Step 4: Recommended Placement 41 Lexile Text Measure: 870L
Step 4: Recommended Placement 42 Based upon all the information—all three legs of the model—the final recommendation for To Kill a Mockingbird is….
Step 4: Recommended Placement 43 In this instance, Appendix B confirms our evaluation of the novel. To Kill a Mockingbird is placed within the grade 9-10 text complexity band.
Step 4: Recommended Placement 44 Template for Text Complexity Analysis and Recommended Placement Form : The back-to-back template provides an opportunity to record the thinking involved in recommending the placement of a specific text into a text complexity band. This document will be used in the the text selection process.
Step 4: Recommended Placement 45
Additional Resources for Text Complexity 47 Canyons ELA Weebly (Unit Plans) Common Core Text Exemplars ets/Appendix_B.pdf
Provide resources for accessing informational text. 48
49 Grade Level Teamwork: Select one informational or literary text that you currently use or a new text you plan to use. Use the 3-part process and the rubric to analyze its complexity. Share out with your school (time permitting). Structure group time to analyze your school’s currently-used texts.