Recycling Opportunities - R16401 Voice of the Engineer Dana FiskHannah FolbyJon GreeleyDrew McNulty Zac Rubeor Eta SantoroTom Skudlarek
● VOC and problem statement recap ● Overall project approach ● Simplified functional decomposition ● “Bottle Preparation” ● “Plastic Bonder” ● “Rope Machine” ● “Shoe Production” ● “Fruit Carrier” ● “Roofing” ● “Tubing” ● Next steps Presentation outline
Voice of the Customer Design solutions for unused plastic bottles in Haiti for economic benefit: Withstand the unpredictable and harsh environment Support impoverished families and create labor Make use of local materials Design for ease of use Opportunities in Haiti External Factors EconomicsDurabilityEase of Use Material Requirements
Simplified Functional Decomp. Overarching goal of project was so broad that it needed to be broken down into several sub-functions
Zac Eta Tom Drew Jon Hannah Dana
Bottle Preparation: Functional Decomposition
Bottle Preparation: Engineering Requirements
Bottle Preparation: House of Quality
Bottle Preparation: Morphological Chart Morph Chart
Bottle Preparation: Concept Generation Pick best combo from morph chart + risk assessment Concept #3 (1C,2B,3C,4A,5E)
Bottle Welding:Function Decomposition
Bottle Welding:Engineering Requirements & HOQ
Bottle Welding:Morphological Chart
Bottle Welding:Concept Generation
Rope Making Machine - Functions & Engineering Req’s Functional Decomposition Most Crucial Engineering Requirements
Rope Making Machine - House of Quality
Rope Making Machine - Concepts
Rope Making Machine - Feasibility
Important Functions Form Sole Form Upper Cut Sole Cut Upper Combine Sole and Upper Smooth rough edges Shoe production: functional decomp
Shoe production: Engineering requirements and hoq
1 Weave bottle thread cut sole/upper form sole form upper combine sole/upper 2 Crush Bottles Auto-cut sole form sole Auto-cut upper sew sole/upper Shoe production: Concept solutions
Shoe production: Risk and feasibility assessment
Fruit Carrier: Functional Decomposition
Fruit Carrier: Engineering Requirements and HoQ ER’S HoQ
Fruit Carrier: Concepts
Fruit Carrier: Feasibility No weaving skills in Haiti: One of Haiti's largest exports is clothing and accounts for over 50% of their exports. += Bottle thread breaks during weaving or use: A single strand of 1mm square cross- section bottle thread can hold 10.6 lbs. This falls within range of polyester thread with a similar gauge.
Roofing: Functional Decomp. & Eng. Requirements FunctionTest Cleanliness Bacterial swab test after processing Binding materials Can withstand pulling force of high wind speeds or dismantling Assembly # of finished roofs Targets low income and homeless populations Take survey every month and set timeline goals Water collection Amount of water is suitable for sanitation or farming needs Withstand wind and water conditions Survives hurricane weather in Haiti
Roofing: Concepts & Feasibility
Roofing: Benchmarking Fizzy Bottle HutThatch RoofTile Roof Built from bottles Traps less heat, dampens sound of rainwater Bottle designed to bend into tiling for roofs (William Waterhouse & Linda Loakes) (David Saiia, Professor of strategic management and sustainability at Duquesne University) (Donald Thompson, Canadian designer and entrepreneur)
Roofing: Benchmarking Haitian “Gingerbread Houses” Typical Rainwater Catch SystemSolar Water Disinfection Victorian-inspired design that survived in earthquake Design for rainwater collection usually involves gutter and cistern systems Water treated by sunlight for 6+ hours kills pathogens (William Waterhouse & Linda Loakes)(Professor/Researcher Jose Payero)(Swiss group SODIS)
Tubing: Background & Benchmarking Find a use for the thick cylindrical sections at the top of bottles that are cut- off to make string Make low-pressure tubing for: Drainage low-pressure plumbing applications Irrigation Liquid waste removal Conduit Lightweight support structures
Tubing: Functional Decomposition
Tubing: Engineering Requirements
Tubing: House of Quality
Tubing: Morphological Chart
Tubing: Concept Generation
Next Steps More Feasibility Analysis/Risk Assessment Final Concept Generation Plan for PRP Questions?