Priority Tier I Fully fund Title V Support Newborn Screening Priority Tier II Universal health care Repeal Medicaid Rules Autism & other DD Preventive Health Services Block Grant Childhood obesity Injury
$850 FFY09 Ask -$666 FFY08 Get $184 Increase Where should we cut? What would you do with $184 million?
for health
Election year politics Appropriations process Discretionary squeeze Some successes Stories matter Demonstrate impact
Politicians care about public health when it is made real. You are constituents. Show them why this matters.
When we ask, we mean it. We need you! Don’t let this happen to us!
Who is the best advocate for sustaining MCH Training Programs? You are!
Walking into a Member’s office and talking about your program is not lobbying. Asking for money is. Educating & informing is different from asking.
Stop talking to ourselves Get to new partners Tell the story – tell it well Make impact real Who else can amplify your message?
Who is the best advocate for sustaining MCH Training Programs? You are!
Thank you!