Unit 7 Section B Period 2 (3a-Self Check)
根据课文重点短语完成下列句子。 1. 她正在为英语考试做准备。 2. 当她看到妈妈时候,兴奋的跑过去。 3. 最后他们成功的爬到了山顶。 4.Tom 是第一个完成作业的人。 5. 他比这个小孩大许多倍。 6. 图书馆比其他的任何一个建筑都高。 7. 打篮球也是一个锻炼身体的好方式。 8.Lucy 做各种各样的事情让这个孩子停止哭。 9. 昨天晚上她在回家的路上被一根棍棒绊倒。
3a Read the following words and phrases about whales. Put them in the correct place in the chart.
They are huge animals. They live in the sea. They can sing songs. They can jump high out of water. They are very clever and also very friendly. What are they?
What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they eat? What can they do? 5.Huge 8.Some kinds have teeth 7.In the sea 2.Small fish and other sea life 3.Jump high out of the water 11.Sing songs
Why do some of them have to be protected? How can we protect them? 1.Human catch whales for meat, fat and oil 6.Water pollution 12.Whale parts sold to make things like candles and soap 4.Rules on whale protection 9.Learn more about whales 10.Stop putting rubbish into the sea
3b Write a paragraph about whales and why they need to be protected. Use the information in 3a. Then make a poster. Whales are huge animals. They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life. One interesting fact is that whales can jump high out of the water. Another interesting thing is that they can sing songs. Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them for meat, fat and oil, and people also use whale parts to make candles and soap.
Whales are also in danger because of water pollution. We should protect whales from water pollution.I think we should make rules on whale protection and we should not put rubbish into the sea. I think people should learn more about whales.
1 Complete the chart. AdjectivesComparativesSuperlatives high late thin popular higherhighest laterlatest thinnerthinnest more popular most popular
AdjectivesComparativesSuperlatives heavy slowly good little heavierheaviest more slowlymost slowly betterbest less least
2 Match verbs and objects. Then add one more object to each list. VerbsObjects 1. reacha. my life, my money, … 2. achieveb. the top of a mountain, the library, … 3. riskc. my dream, success, …
3 Circle the correct word and/or fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets for each sentence. 1. An elephant weighs (few /many) times more than a dog. 2. An adult panda can eat (much / a little) more than a cat. 3. Canada is a (little / lot) less __________ (crowded) than China. 4. A tiger is (much / a little) ___________ (strong) than a man. crowded stronger