Ohio College Tech Prep Career Technical Programs prepares students for high skill, high demand technical careers in a competitive global economy. Rigorous educational pathways emphasize math, science and technology and lead to postsecondary education. Educators, employers and communities collaborate to develop and deliver Tech Prep opportunities to all Ohio students.
High school students get a head start and graduate from a Career Technical Program equipped with choices: ◦ continue their education with knowledge in their chosen field, ◦ start their career, or ◦ do both at the same time. All programs include college credit that transfers to a community college or other higher learning institutions upon graduation when completing the appropriate course work.
As Ohio’s economy continues to recover, Career and Technical Education is part of the solution. CTE educates and prepares Ohio secondary students for many high-skilled, increasingly technical jobs that are going unfilled. LHS Career and Technical programs offer customized training programs that create partnerships between industry and educators that benefit both the local employer and students. Most career-technical programs offer industry certifications and/or college credit. Specific industry certifications are now part of one of three pathways towards graduation as approved by ODE.
Course NoTitleGradeCreditLength 901Intro to Agriculture, Food and Natual Resources91.25Year 902Animal and Plant Bioscience101.25Year 903Natural Resources/Environmental Ag Science111Year 904GAgribusiness Management and Advanced Agriscience Principles124Year 976Auto Tech 1113Year 977Auto Tech 2123Year 610GBroadcasting 1113Year 611GBroadcasting 2123Year 093Building and Property Trades 1113Year 094Building and Property Trades 2123Year 624Multimedia 1112Year 625Multimedia 2122Year 936GCareer Based Intervention (CBI)11,124Year 731Carpentry 1113Year 741Carpentry 2123Year 981Cosmetology 1113Year 982Cosmetology 2124Year 734GCriminal Science and Forensics 1113Year 735GCriminal Science and Forensics 2123Year 992GCulinary Arts 1113Year 993GCulinary Arts 2123Year 443GHealth Tech Prep 1113Year 446GHealth Tech Prep 2123Year 957Junior Marketing Education111Year 958GSenior Marketing Education125Year 732GSystems Tech and Industrial Engineering 1113Year 742GSystems Tech and Industrial Engineering 2123Year
During the Sophomore (10 th grade) year ◦ November Career Tech Fair Day ◦ December Visit to Stanbery Career Center Visit to LHS Programs CT Applications given to all students through US History courses ◦ January Instructors review applications CT Acceptance Lists posted mid-January
Most CT Programs are 3 periods each year Most also require commitments outside the school day Daily attendance is extremely important Occassional scheduling conflicts with other co/extra-curricular activities Time commitment makes participation in Off- Campus CCP difficult
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