Question 2; How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? By: Eleanor Lowe-Collins
Front CoverContents DPSBillboard
Fonts The fonts I have used for my magazine is named, Dolce Vita. On the regular text’s I used the simple Dolce Vita but for my Title’s and text I wanted to catch the reader’s eye therefore I used Dolce Vita Heavy, the same font yet with a more bold touch to it. The font I used for the Graffiti Artist, named Disruption, is called PayDay. I used this specific font due to the fact I wanted it to look like his own specific font that he uses on his graffiti etc., I added this to the front page as well as the contents. I didn’t change the colour as I believe that future issues of True North can range from colour, for example, issue #2 for a January issue may have Black, White and Blue to signify ice and the winter term – instead of Black, White and Red for December which is based on the main cover. Within the ancillaries I used a simple font to add to the simple theme running throughout my magazine, the billboard uses exactly the same fonts for as my regional magazine and colours to create synergy for the company. As well as this, my website consists of the same font Logo on every page and once again, a simple font to create synergy with the same colour scheme. For the long time and future issues I plan to change the colour scheme of Black, White and another bright colour to whichever fits the content of the magazine.
Colours The colours I based my magazine on was Red, Black and White – The picture placed on the front cover was based on the interview with a local famous graffiti artist. The editing I did to this was significant as in Adobe Photoshop I made the photography of the graffiti artist in black and white to add a auteur signature and house style to my magazine, leaving the background of the woodland in the colour I shot it in. For the Fonts I used the theme of Red, Black and White again to add to the monochrome effect and look I attempted to make my magazine, I did this to make it look fresh and appeal to a younger audience. As you can see from the screenshots at the start of the PowerPoint, the front page, contents and ancillaries all have the same colours; white, black and red. Adding to the synergy of the magazine again. The colours are more than likely my main effective product of the magazine True North, as I plan to change the Black, White and Red every issue, with a summer issue being Black, White and Orange/Yellow to signify summer and the sun. This creates synergy throughout the magazine and ancillaries to add to the realism and the current trends within the young generations.
Imagery The images featured within True North are of a Graffiti Artist called Disruption, which I based as an ideal self (Carl Rodgers Theory) or an ideal partner for my audience. I wanted to take the pictures in a nature/woodland to add to the regional identity, as Sheffield is right next to the Peak District and has more trees than anywhere in England. For the Front Cover, I photo shopped Disruption into black and white with the woodland surrounding being in normal colour, as I believe this adds to his graffiti auteur, as in this picture he almost looks like he's been graphited onto the front cover. To add to the Graffiti stereotype I made my model wear sports clothing to show he is a chav/rebel and is cohering to his graffiti, by breaking the rules. The Fast Fish advert are all pictures I took myself from the bar/restaurant I work at. I edited these pictures to make them look as tasty as possible, to appeal to the audiences eye. I added the collage of four pictures to add to the appeal of the food, and to make the photographs stand out to appeal to the audience.
Logos The house style font is called Dolce Vita Heavy and this is a recognised font throughout my magazine and ancillaries, this brings the magazine together for recognised synergy; which links all of the Billboard, the Website and Magazine together. The reason I chose this font was due to the fact it is bold and clear to read to an audiences eye, I wanted to use the colour black on the logo as it corresponds with the white well and can be viewed clearly from the other side of a room (eye-catching). On the magazine, I added a ‘first issue’ text in the middle of the O as I think this adds to the uniqueness of the magazine and shows to potential readers that this magazine is fresh and new, and also free.