Reading and Writing Decimals. Reading Decimals Read the number before the decimal point. Say “and” when you get to the decimal. Read the number after.


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Presentation transcript:

Reading and Writing Decimals

Reading Decimals Read the number before the decimal point. Say “and” when you get to the decimal. Read the number after the decimal. Say the name of the place that the decimal ends in.

Example Eight thousand, two hundred forty-three andsixty-sevenhundredths

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Name _______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Ex: a) 2.5 is said and written… Name _______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Ex: a) 2.5 = Two and five tenths Name ______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Ex: a) 2.5 = Two and five tenths Now try 3 examples of your own: b) 1.62 = c) = d) 0.5 = Name _______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Ex: a) 2.5 = Two and five tenths Now try 3 examples of your own: One and sixty-two hundredths b) 1.62 = One and sixty-two hundredths c) = d) 0.5 = Name _______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Ex: a) 2.5 = Two and five tenths Now try 3 examples of your own: One and sixty-two hundredths b) 1.62 = One and sixty-two hundredths Four and thirty-one thousandths c) = Four and thirty-one thousandths d) 0.5 = Name _______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Ex: a) 2.5 = Two and five tenths Now try 3 examples of your own: One and sixty-two hundredths b) 1.62 = One and sixty-two hundredths Four and thirty-one thousandths c) = Four and thirty-one thousandths Zero and five tenths d) 0.5 = Zero and five tenths Name _______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Objective – 1) to say and write (in words) decimals. Ex: a) 2.5 = Two and five tenths Now try 3 examples of your own: One and sixty-two hundredths b) 1.62 = One and sixty-two hundredths Four and thirty-one thousandths c) = Four and thirty-one thousandths Zero and five tenths d) 0.5 = Zero and five tenths Objective – 2) to write decimals in expanded form. Name _______ 6__ Reading & Writing Decimals Nov__

Expanded Form Write the number that appears before the decimal point in expanded form. For decimals, place a zero in the ones place. Also, substitute zeroes for all spaces after the decimal point that come before the digit that you are working with.

Example: Write in expanded form. Remember, deal with the number before the decimal first Then, do the decimal part

From Words to Standard Form Read everything that comes before the word “and.” Write that number down. Place a decimal point at the word “and.” Read the last word of the sentence to see how many decimal places you need. Fill in the decimal places with your number. Fill in as far to the right as possible, and use zeroes to fill any empty spaces.

Example 206. The word “ ten-thousandths ” indicates that we need four decimal places. __ __ When we clean it up, the answer is Write the following number in standard form: two hundred six and fifty-four ten-thousandths

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