INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE The Challenge: “Games, Camera, Action!” With the 2016 Olympics around the corner, BBC is looking for a youth TV production company to develop a special show to accompany the Olympics and you have been invited to pitch. RE-CAP!
INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE As a Team you must… – Assign roles – Decide what the objective of your TV show is –Develop an overview of your proposed show RE-CAP! The Brief: BBC need a concept for 6 episodes, one a week in the build up and during the 19 days of the Olympics and 11 days of Paralympic Games. Days, dates and times are down to your team!
INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE What are you going to get out of this? –The opportunity to win a unique insight opportunity with BBC. – Network with employees from BBC. –CV enhancement. –Practical employability skills. RE-CAP!
INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE Session 2 progress You have looked at Social Responsibility surrounding the making of your TV show. Your team should now… Have assigned roles Have a genre and aim for your show Thought about your target market Aim to include local areas in the production
What is Expected of You? You will be guided through five sessions. These will include set tasks, as well as free research time. What you get out of this experience will be determined by what YOU put in. By 31 st May you must submit the following: A five minute video of your team’s pitch to win the TV production contract Your tutor will keep evidence of the work your team produce, which you will add to over the five sessions INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE RE-CAP!
Overview Session 1- Get to grips with everything ‘Olympics’ Session 2- Assign roles, choose genre, decide on your TV show Session 3- Reaching your target market, choosing aims, TV show development Session 4- Outcomes of your show, positive impact Session 5- Filming and fine tuning your pitch INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE
Team Discussion What do you know about the Paralympics Games? Did you follow London 2012? Has it changed your views on ‘disability’? Does it have a positive impact on society? Does it have the same draw as the Olympics? AIMS GAMES, CAMERA, ACTION!
Divide and Conquer: What links your show with Rio? The Olympic Games 2016 GAMES, CAMERA, ACTION! Your TV Show Link 1? Link 2? Link 3? AIMS Your TV Show How is your TV show in line with the aim of the Olympics?
What does your show portray and represent? E.g. Local life? Online community? Healthy lifestyles? Proud to be British? GAMES, CAMERA, ACTION! AIMS
INTRODUCTION Paralympics Have you included both Olympic and Paralympics coverage and references? RISK ASSESSMENT
RESPONSIBILITY Olympics and Equality and Diversity What does ‘equality and diversity’ mean to you? GAMES, CAMERA, ACTION! Equality – equal rights and treatment to all individuals Diversity – difference from what is normal or expected
RISK ASSESSMENT Consider… Audiences come in all shapes and sizes It’s important in television to not just cater for ‘people like you’. Have you considered age, gender, religion, experience, ability, sexual orientation, class and intellect of your viewer? Who is most likely to be offended by your show? What sort of person may feel segregated? In what ways is your show inclusive? GAMES, CAMERA, ACTION!
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! SOCIAL MEDIA Your Crew -Within your assigned role, what area of Social Media could you take responsibility for?
SOCIAL MEDIA Get it trending Hash Tags Get blogging Facebook Page Launch excitement Pre-production Instagram Viral videos/Photos Ambassador endorsement Olympic reference Most effective for YOU? GAMES, CAMERA, ACTION!
INTRODUCTION SOCIAL MEDIA Research time… Gather some statistics on who you are reaching with Social Media to back up your choices. Remember: your pitch will have to prove that your show will have the desired impact in reaching as many youth as possible.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! DEVELOPMENT Name your show What is your show’s USP? (Unique Selling Point) Marketing Your Show Divide the following two tasks up between your team members Time to Delegate
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! DEVELOPMENT Name your show What is your show’s USP? (Unique Selling Point) Write a TV listing for Episode 1 for Radio Times In 100 words get people interested in your show Choose one image to accompany your listing Task 1- Radio Times
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! DEVELOPMENT Plan a ten minute interview segment for Radio1 to promote equality and diversity. Think about someone who reflects equality & diversity Find a way to link it to your show Task 2- Radio1 Interview
INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE Remember… –Keep record of all notes and teamwork –Research outside of class time –Always bring something to the table “I am so grateful for what the Paralympians did. When I used to push my son Ivan around in his wheelchair, I always thought people saw the wheelchair, not the boy. Today, more people would see the boy and not the chair, and that’s because of what happened here this summer.” David Cameron