KAPPA PI November 7, 2011 Fredrik Akum
Mirror Image: Women Portraying Women Friday, November 11 Mirror Image: Women Portraying Women will be on exhibition in the new North Carolina Gallery of the NCMA’s East Building following Bob Trotman’s inaugural exhibition in that space. Featuring works from the NCMA’s permanent collection as well as loans, Mirror Image will examine what it means to be a woman in today’s culture, as seen through the eyes of North Carolina artists. Mirror Image presents women, from youth to old age, in painting, video, photography, and sculpture from the 1970s through the present. Artists from the NCMA’s collection include Margaret Sartor, Maud Gatewood, elin o’Hara slavick, and Caroline Vaughan. Local artists include Stacy Lynn Waddell, Rebecca Fagg, Katie Claiborne, Emily Scott Beck, Linda Foard Roberts, Mary Shannon Johnstone, Roxana Perez-Mendez, Cristina Córdova, and Susan Harbage Page.
UNC’s Print Sale Friday, December 9 th Art Gallery in the union Volunteers/Promotion
NEW OFFICERS! President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Other positions that would keep KP alive? Artery officers?
Sustainable Fashion Show What is the objective for this show? The list is exhaustive but the most important things include: – 1) Re-contextualize “high fashion” right here on our beloved campus: It is no secret that the high fashion world is a world for the wealthy elite. Though it is a world I and all the others involved love fantasizing about, astronomical prices and lavish indulgence are not always practical. This show gives us an opportunity to bring fashion “back to earth”, if you will! – 2) Raise environmental awareness in a non-conventional, creative vein – 3) Emphasize that fashion and sustainability are not mutually-exclusive interests but can, in fact, go hand-in-hand – 4) Promote the always eco-saavy Residential Green Games competition – 5) Have fun! – This blog will be my “outlet” if you will– a place for me to provide updates and keep you in the know about all of our everyday happenings! – With style and eco-power, – Brittney