Visual Design and White Papers. Review Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity Dominant element Use color to your advantage Dollar rule Usability test.


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Presentation transcript:

Visual Design and White Papers

Review Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity Dominant element Use color to your advantage Dollar rule Usability test

Review Evaluating Pictorial Illustrations Readability and Legibility Rhetoric of Typography Supratextual Design

Review: Evaluating Pictorial Illustrations SyntacticSemanticPragmatic Unity Location Emphasis Text parallels

Review: Readability and Legibility Readable = serif an extended amount of text is easy to read (p. 43) Legible = sans serif A short burst of text is easily recognizable (p. 43) Line spacing = leading

Review: Rhetoric of Typography Case study Readers are aware of typeface/text matches and mismatches; that is, they are aware of the (in)appropriateness of a typeface for a particular text (p. 230) Typeface persona colors readers perceptions of text persona (p. 230)

Review: Supratextual Design Supra-textual conventions Textual Chapters, major new sections titles Spatial Page size and shape Graphic Color/texture

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