Objective: Revenge Politics Protest Disrupt the activities of an enemy country
CYBER WARCYBER WAR The use of computers to disrupt the activities of an enemy country, especially the deliberate attacking of communication systems. The use of computers to disrupt the activities of an enemy country, especially the deliberate attacking of communication systems.
Cyberterrorism Definition 1. Political agenda 2. Use of computers and cyberspace to disrupt or destroy (may or may not lead to deaths) 3. Civilians as targets 4. Publicity 5. Non-state actors Traditional Terrorism definition: Use of violence
Cyber TerrorismCyber Terrorism Cyber terrorism is the use of Internet based attacks in terrorist activities, including acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the Internet, by the means of tools such as computer viruses. Internetterroristcomputer virusesInternetterroristcomputer viruses
Cyber terrorism can be also defined as the intentional use of computer networks, and public internet to cause destruction and harm for personal objectives. Objectives may be political or ideological since this is a form of terrorism.
Attack TargetsAttack Targets Cell phone worms. Rootkits. Trojans. Spreading virus via trojans.
Distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS)Distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system. denial of servicedenial of service The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down. Types: Network centric attack (bandwidth) Application layer attack(app., calls)
Cyberspace: The term cyberspace has become a conventional means to describe anything associated with the Internet and the diverse Internet culture. Internet cultureInternet culture Amongst individuals on cyberspace, there is believed to be a code of shared rules and ethics mutually beneficial for all to follow, referred to as cyberethics. cyberethics
Threats in Cyberspace 1. Hacktivism 2. Cybercrime 3. Cyber terrorism
Levels of Cyber Terrorism: Simple Un-Structured Advanced –Structured Complex coordinated
The Nature of the Internet: Strength and Weaknesses Redundancy Wireless Vulnerabilities and flaws can be corrected Flaws Reliance on private sector
Cyber securityCyber security Complex security risks and challenges. Limiting the risk to data before attacks occur is accomplished through risk assessment &management.
Solutions: We provide the following ProActive&ReActivetechniqs : P eventive safety measures to tackle cyber attacks, setting up own team, Computer Forensics, Social Engineering, identifying vulnerabilities and patching up, investigating various Cyber Crimes, Penetration and other crash courses. P eventive safety measures to tackle cyber attacks, setting up own team, Computer Forensics, Social Engineering, identifying vulnerabilities and patching up, investigating various Cyber Crimes, Penetration and other crash courses.
Area Of ResearchArea Of Research Cyber TerrorismCyber Terrorism
Disadvantages: We need to be very careful how and were we put data on the web. The US is attacked millions of times daily. If someone were to break through our cyber security it could have a huge impact. It could take hours to days to fix a breach in security. Advantages: Using Cyber Warfare we can obtain critical information on our enemies. New job opportunities in the IT world in this field, especially for military
Conclusion: o Capacity of human mind is unfathomable. It is not possible to eliminate cyber crime from the cyber space. It is quite possible to check them. History is the witness that no legislation has succeeded in totally eliminating crime from the globe. o The only possible step is to make people aware of their rights and duties (to report crime as a collective duty towards the society) and further making the application o f the laws more stringent to check crime. ://
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