Team Stated Needs 1.Content Management/Library function 2.On-line learning 3.Teamwork workflow tools including decision- support tools: GIS, ETA, etc. 4.Collaboration web tools to contribute to systemic change 5.NGO voice/ web services
RM Portal Library Highlights Open Source Worldwide Community Support Library Catalogue Developed By Librarians Librarian Services Editing/Shelving Pending Publication Process Disability Access, Security, Copyright Assurance Multimedia Video, Audio, Radio, Podcasts, Flash Movies Multi language Built in translation support Browse By Search Styles of Users
RM Portal Library Highlights Smartfolders Pull Content into Library External Indexing and Retrieval from Outside Libraries DEC, Frame, NRIC, partner sites Levels of Library Access Manager, Reviewer, Owner, Member, Public Invited Membership Credible Content Easy to Govern Commenting Anecdotal Info…discussion threads physically attached to content Cross Sector Content Centralized location single search
RM Portal Online Learning Moodle, learning management system open source LMS Integrated into RM Portal Integrated with other LMS Tools WebCT or Blackboard Built in Collaboration Tools discussions, group activity support Multi-Language 75 languages 175 countries Scale single teacher to a university of 50,000+
RM Portal Online Learning Self-paced training Real time classes Assessment tools Accreditation linking Ecommerce link if appropriate Multimedia Sound pedagogical practices
RM Portal Workflow Virtual Office Shared Neutral Private Drive Live Document Versioning Live Application Push to analyze data in real time Built in Web page maker Kupu Smartfolders Pull Content
RM Portal Workflow Group Workgroup Listing Private News and Calendar Newsletter Service Discussion Tools Expert Finder Recent Items
RM Portal Collaboration Tools Public and Private Forums Threaded Commenting on posted content Wikis, Skype, and other IM support WebX video conferencing Live Application Sharing GPS, GIS, Data Analysis Conference history archiving 24/7 online support for web conferencing Online Portal Help in Spanish, French, Portuguese Decision Support Tools
NGO Voice Shared Web Services Calendars, Newsletters, News, RSS Feeds, Podcasts, Workflow, Online Learning Low bandwidth accessible Templates for rapid translation and dissemination of time sensitive content in multiple languages Concentrate on Core Tasks Sharing technology resources saves time and money
Information Explosion Access Search Advances More Sharing How is it Managed How does it become knowledge Portal needs to be more than an information repository
Knowledge Someone somewhere has it Someone somewhere needs it Somewhere someone knows something but needs help telling others. Somewhere someone knows something but needs a means to validate that knowing. Somewhere someone has discovered information but needs a knowledgeable person to help understand and use the information.
Who or what is a Knowledgeable Person Academically Trained Access to Advanced Technology Life’s Work Studying, working in the situation Life Experience We talk about building capacity. Often time’s talent exists in the field but is in need of tools, instruments to support their knowledge
Tools needed to; Validate Knowledge Maximize Knowledge Distribute Knowledge Supplement Knowledge