Product and Application Overview
Soff-Cut was founded in 1988 the inventor was a concrete contractor himself He persevered in designing a cutting process to overcome random cracking in concrete The inventor patented the finalized process Soff-Cut now has over 26 patents covering the cutting system SC as a company gained world-wide acceptance and was bought by an investment banking group in 1999 In January 2007 SC bought Superior Power Trowels June 2007 SC was acquired by Husqvarna, due to Husqvarna’s size we are confident they will take SC to the next level! Company History
Place Concrete Screed – for leveling Float and Trowel Chemical spray on cure Saw when able to walk on slab At each joint location Blanket cure – dependent on temperature Placing, Finishing, Curing
Product Application and Overview The Problem...Random Cracking in Concrete Of the problems facing concrete contractors, random cracking is among the most costly and aggravating. Random cracking is particularly troubling because it immediately casts doubt on concrete quality, leading to owner dissatisfaction, callbacks, and disputes.
The Solution… The Husqvarna/Soff-Cut Early-Entry Dry- Cutting System Husqvarna/Soff-Cut has the only Ultra Early Entry™ dry-cutting system that controls random cracking through the early timing of the cut. With the Husqvarna/Soff-Cut method, control joints are cut within zero to two hours after the finishing process, and before final set.
The Green ZoneTM The Husqvarna/Soff-Cut Ultra Early Entry™dry-cutting system reduces the risk of random cracking by cutting control joints in the Green ZoneTM - within zero to two hours after completion of the final finish at each control joint.
How the System Works The Husqvarna/Soff-Cut technology is based on the combination of the Husqvarna/SoffCut blade, Skid Plate, and timing of the saw cut. The up-cutting rotation of the blade combines with the Skid Plate, which applies pressure to the surface to prevent chipping or spalling.
Shallow Cut = More Aggregate Interlock
Depth and Timing of Cut By cutting concrete at this stage, the depth of cut is less than conventional methods and the risk of random cracking is reduced significantly.
The Result “The most important component in any warehouse building is the floor. If extremely bad, a defective floor can result in the need to tear down the building.” -Warehousing Forum No random cracking Induced crack with greater aggregate interlock No chipping or spalling at control joint
Conventional Wet-cut Saw
Conventional Dry-cut Saw
Early-entry Dry-cut Saw
Caltrans HOV Lane – 210 Fwy Work Performed From 11 PM-7 AM
Close-up of Early-entry Saw Cut
Cross- cut
When 1st Sawcut was made, 2 Cylinders Broke at 35 & 39 PSI
Placing and Finishing Process PlacingPumpingFinishingHusqvarna/Soff-Cut
Applications: Slab-on-Grade
Applications: Paving, Parking Areas, Airport Runways, Ultra-Thin Whitetopping
Applications: Light Commercial, Residential, Flatwork, Specialized applications
Structure Types
What is the “Soff-Cut System”? The Soff-Cut system includes the Pro-Edge V-Line and Radius Blades, beveled blades designed for architectural scoring to create better than hand tooled joints more effectively and at reduced costs
What is the “Soff-Cut System”? Soff-Cut has a combination of saws, blades and skid plates that fit any application
ACI Recognition The Husqvarna/Soff-Cut system is recognized by the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Its Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction (ACI ), states the effectiveness of early-entry dry- cut sawing. "The timing of the early-entry process, allows joints to be in place prior to the development of significant tensile stresses in the concrete.”
BENEFITS OF EARLY-ENTRY DRY-CUT SAWING SUPERIOR CRACK CONTROL 1. Control joints can be sawn before shrinkage stresses occur and cause random cracking. 2. Pop-off cracks can be prevented by sawing earlier in the sawing window. 3. Shallower cuts allows for maximum aggregate interlock. USER FRIENDLY 1. Lighter and more portable than conventional saws. 2. Blade is enclosed for safety and dust control. 3. Quieter operating. (A benefit if working in residential areas). 4. Traffic control advantages (Water trucks are not blocking lanes). LABOR SAVING 1. Water supply is not needed (important in limited access areas). 2. No slurry clean-up. 3. Control joints can be installed before curing blankets are placed.
Husqvarna/Soff-Cut Saws and Soff-Vac V
SAWENGINEMANU.WEIGHTBLADE SIZECUTTING DEPTH PER BLADE hpRobin88 lbs6"1-3/16" w/ 6" blade 150-D4.5 hpRobin112 lbs 6" V or RadiusProEdge beveled blades "only" 7506 hpRobin240 lbs8"1-3/16" w/ 8" blade hpHonda135 lbs8"1-3/16" w/ 8" blade hpRobin309 lbs9" & 10"1-1/2" w/ 10" blade hpHonda325 lbs9" & 10"1-1/2" w/ 10" blade hpKohler440 lbs12" & 14" 2’” w/ 12" blade – 3” w/14” blade hpKohler482 lbs12" & 14" 2’” w/ 12" blade – 3” w/14” blade hpKohler50712" & 14" 3" w/ 12" blade – 4” w/14” blade VACUUM SizeENGINE WEIGHTINLET WASTE COLLECTION CAPACITY EngineMANU. V hpTECUMSEH375 lbsHOSE 3"PRIMARY – CYCLONE DRUM
Soff-Cut 150
Diamond Blades/Skid Plate Specifications