CSE 341 Project : Ultrasonic Radar PRESENTED BY: NAME : AKIFA TASNEEM ID : SECTION: 02 1
Components : Hardware : An Arduino Uno A Breadboard A Servo Motor An Ultrasonic Sensor A battery Some Jumpers Software : Arduino IDE Processing IDE 2
Arduino Open source electronics prototyping platform A Microcontroller 14 digital input and output pins 6 Analog inputs 3
Sensor & Servo Motor Sensor : Can detect Object Contains 4 pins Send and receive signal Servo : Supports 3 wires : Power,Ground, Signal Can be used to rotate, move or control position of the object 4
An ide built for electronics art, new media arts and visual design includes text editor, compiler and a display window can draw 2D and 3D graphics libraries and tools available 5
Integration: 6
Questions ?? 7