INTRO Hello my name is Fairy I am nine yeares old I am in 3 rd class I am going to do a project on how Ireland is different from 1916 Hope you enjoy
FASHION STYLE The fabric or cloth used to make clothes has changed too. Fashions have changed because people's lifestyles have changed, and also because television and magazines influence the way people dress.
FOOD The Kavanagh family shop on Dublin's Angier Street on the Southside of the Liffy It was a Newsagents and a sweetshop that was there in 1916 and it sold many types of food such as the chocolate bar we eat now like kit cat It is Ireland's oldest surviving sweetshop The shop opened in 1925 In 1916 there was a sort of salad that was called moch that was a load of kiwi,strayberrys and grapes
SCHOOLS One hundred years ago boys and girls were taught different subjects in primary school. Subjects such as needlework for girls were considered suitable ‘groundwork’ for primary education. In 1916 many girls in school would have practiced needlework for at least two hours a week. Some teachers at the time thought this wasn’t enough.
TOYS AND GAMES Toys were often homemade Dolls were often dressed beautifully. Teddy bears looked just as they do today, but they were usually available only in brown, rather than in the variety of colours available today. This is a coolly doll
HOUSES A typical home for an hard worker, which was the main typefor most of he rural population in Carlow, contained two rooms. One room was the kitchen, where all the cooking, washing and other domestic activities took place. The other room was the bedroom, where all the family slept.
MONEY I could not fined any GOOD information about money so I just got some pitchers
TEACHERS Teachers were a lot more crosser in 1916 In 1916 children did get homework some kids might of taught that children did not get homework but they did
COMUNICATION People used letters as the main mode of communication because other kinds were very expensive. Letters were slow, but the pony express made things faster. Telegraphs were used if you needed faster communication, but you could not say much because they had to be brief. Most people did not have one, and most people in small towns were lucky if there was one in the town.
TRANSPORT As with train engines, steam provided power to the ships transiting from the main ports of Belfast, Dublin and Cork There were 65 miles of rail track in 1845, 1,000 in 1857, 2,000 in 1872, and 3,500 in Between 1873 and 1902 the number of ticketed passengers doubled to more than 20 million saw the start of a four-hour service from Dublin to Killarney
CONCLUISHION I had great fun making this project I learned lots about diffrences Hope you enjoyed Thanks for listening