ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE Lesson 2.2 Lesson 4.B
4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE Pick a family member or friend to do this activity with you (the activity will be done twice). They can choose to build a tower with Legos or blocks, draw a picture, create a play dough structure, or tell a story. The first time they do the activity, give them positive comments during the activity. Repeat the activity, but this time give them only negative feedback during the activity.
Share a time when kind or mean comments have changed the way you did something. After you have finished both activities, have your friend or family member share how your comments made them feel. 4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE
What is the difference between the following examples of praise? 1.Mary, you did a great job. 2.Mary, I like the way you picked all the toys off the floor. You are making sure the floor is clean and safe. Thank you. (see the next slide for the answer) 4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE
The following questions will help you practice descriptive praise - use Lesson 2, Printable 2 with this activity. 4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE
Which Praise Statement is best? Why? 1.Jamal you did a great job with your picture. 2.Jamal, I love the way you used so many colors when you colored your picture. 4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE
The following is a good praise statement— True or False? 1.Tonya, I like how you helped your little brother go down the slide. You were so helpful and you made sure he was safe. 4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE
Now, let’s try some on your own. Create a praise statement for each of the following situations: 1.Jesse fed the dog 2.Samantha listened when you told her to put on her pajamas 3.Minnie washed the dishes 4.Cindy cleaned up her dolls 4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE
+pcit.phhp.ufl.edupcit.phhp.ufl.edu Parent-Child Interaction Therapy + How to Praise Kids + Developing Self-Esteem in Young Children +fatherhood.about.com/od/effectivediscipline/ht/effectivepr aise.htmfatherhood.about.com/od/effectivediscipline/ht/effectivepr aise.htm Effectively Praise Your Child 4.B REFERENCES Have questions? Look for more info on these websites. 4.B ART OF POSITIVE PRAISE