ODI - Open Discovery Initiative Ken Varnum NISO Update at ALA Midwinter 10 January 2016
ODI Refresher Launched after ALA Annual 2011 Emergence of Library Discovery Services solutions – Based on index of a wide range of content – Commercial and open access – Primary journal literature, ebooks, and more Adopted by thousands of libraries around the world, and impact millions of users Agreements between content providers and discovery providers ad-hoc, not representative of all content, and opaque to customers. 2
ODI Working Group Open Discovery Initiative: Promoting Transparency in Discovery (NISO RP ) - June 26, 2014 Vocabulary Shared definitions of terms & processes Metadata transfer guidelines Mechanisms to evaluate conformance with recommended practice 3
ODI Standing Committee 2014-today Formed summer of Following the ODI Recommended Practice document as our guide, this standing ODI committee has the following responsibilities:ODI Recommended Practice – to promote educational opportunities about adoption of these recommended practices – to provide support for content providers and discovery providers during adoption (including championship of self-check conformance lists) – to provide a forum for ongoing discussion related to all aspects of discovery platforms for all stakeholders (content providers, discovery providers, libraries), and – to determine timing for next steps for ongoing work 4
ODI Standing Committee Roster LibrariesPublishersService Providers 5 Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant Laura Morse, Harvard University Jason Price, SCELC Ken Varnum, University of Michigan Dave Whisenant, Florida Virtual Campus Lettie Conrad, SAGE Publications Susan Hillson, APA Jill O’Neill, NFAIS Elise Sassone, Springer Karen McKeown, Gale/Cengage Julie Zhu, IEEE Scott Bernier, EBSCO Information Services Steven Guttman, ProQuest Rachel Kessler, Ex Libris Mike Showalter, OCLC
Standing Committee Progress Education & Publicity Guidance for Participants – Content Providers – Libraries – Discovery Services Conformance Checklists
Education & Publicity Updated website with documentation and other information resources Presentations at various library & vendor conferences Articles in journals and trade magazines
Guidance for Participants One subgroup of ODI content provider members is working with other providers to answer questions and concerns about the checklist One subgroup of ODI librarian members is drafting information to help libraries understand ODI Soon – a discovery service subgroup
Conformance Checklists Developed checklists based on the Recommended Practice for providers at Checklists for – Content Providers – Discovery Providers Directory of Completed Checklists
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