Markit PMI James Kwan \ ***DATE*** The Science of Finance
\ 2 The objective is to provide the earliest, most accurate and most comprehensive suite of economic indicators. Cover the largest world economies and key emerging markets – Manufacturing, services, construction and retail sectors with a wide range of variables – Better understand industry conditions What is Markit PMI?
\ 3 – Timeliness – Factual – Comparability – Coverage – First indicator – Go-to product – Drives media coverage – Identify drivers – Markit is principal global PMI producer + Markit own PMI data PMI Benefits/USP’s
\ 4 Coverage –85% of global GDP covered – Presence in Africa, North America, South America, Middle East, Asia and Europe – 22,000 companies – >30 countries Competitors – No direct PMI competitors – ‘Official data’ – German IFO Business Climate Survey – Bank of Japan’s Tankan Scale of Markit PMI/Competitors
\ 5 Users – Central banks – Economists – Investment banks – Asset management firms – Global macro funds – Corporates Pricing Structure – Strict – Full subscription for unlimited data usage on all sites: $65,000 – 95% renewal rate Customers & Pricing Structure
\ 6 – PMI born in the US – Developed by Markit in the UK and Europe – Henley, United Kingdom – 42 – Includes data analysts, economists and sales Home Location and Markit PMI Staff
\ 7 – Global indicator of economic data – 22,000 companies, more than 30 countries – ‘Economic data’ main competitor – Wide range of users – Timely, factual, comparable, extensive coverage Summary
Thank you.
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