Good planning Observation and awareness Patience and discipline Local knowledge Random patrols do not reduce or deter crime.
What items should you bring when you go on day patrol? Prior to starting your patrol, what items should be checked?
What is a DPR and why is it important?
Random patrolling is ineffective, so be effective. Take note of Intelligence led requirements and make sure you report on them. Think about hotspots and how best to cover them. Prepare and plan your patrol. Do your homework. Be observant, alert and curious. Effective patrolling requires relevant intelligence and recognition of problems.
MOBILE PATROLS Around built up areas, it has been suggested that we should patrol at a driving speed of between 30 and 40km/h. Is that an ideal speed in our region and if so, why? If not, what is an ideal speed in our region?
MOBILE PATROLS Why do we patrol with our windows down and our headlights on?
MOBILE PATROLS The driver’s key role is to drive. The observer’s job is to observe and record.
STATIC PATROLS One of the most effective forms of daytime patrolling is the static patrol. Why is this and what are the key advantages / disadvantages? What are some of the main considerations for selecting a good static patrol position?
FOOT PATROLS Very effective patrolling method Ensuring your safety is paramount You and your partner must always stay together Must wear yellow jackets/vests Advised Comms of your intentions Carry the patrol mobile phone at all times What are some of the main advantages of foot patrols and where might they be most effective?
MOBILE PATROLS Be alert for suspicious activity in places burglars may target. Where are these places?
VEHICLES What are we looking for and where would we patrol?
PEOPLE What are we looking for and where would we patrol?
What do you do if you come across children or animals in unattended vehicles?
When someone asks you for a ride?
What do you do in the situation where a caregiver is unable to find a child or a child is unable to find their caregiver?
We all become patrollers for different reasons. Reflect of why you joined the patrol and what your motivations are. What are the three key areas that differentiate good patrollers from others?
Irrespective of the situation or circumstances, we must always engage with the public in a particular manner. Explain?
Statistically there is a 90% higher chance that we will be confronted with a first aid incident on a four hour day patrol than on a four hour night patrol. What are some of the reasons for this?
In NZ what is the survival rate of a heart attack on the street? In NZ what is the survival rate of a heart attack in a hospital? Current knowledge of CPR in community is about? Chances of survival if defibrillator used when first experiencing a heart attack in the street? 7% 33% 4% 40%
Roughly 33% of breakdowns are logged between 1000 and Roughly 2.5% of breakdowns are logged between 2200 and 0200.
The majority of vehicle crashes occur during the day. Why is this?
The majority of burglaries, vehicle conversations and thefts from vehicles used to occur during the night. This is no longer the case. What is the current situation and why has it changed?
You are never likely to be involved in a citizen’s arrest. Why not?