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Where our attendees came from
Michael Stephenson Integration in a World of Digital Transformation Integration MVP Integration in a World of Digital Transformation
Michael Stephenson Coaching & Consultancy Azure Trainer Integration Architect Loads of real world Azure projects #IntegrationMonday Blog - Twitter - @michael_stephen
Agenda Agenda Outcomes Positioning Digital Positioning Integration Steps to success Outcomes Thoughts on how to succeed in a digital business Challenge the way you think about Integration with Microsoft
Why should I care about Digital Transformation? Opportunity Threat 87% of companies think digital transformation will provide competitive advantage >50% of senior execs believe its Critical to implement digital transformation in next 12 months Integration is seen as a key element to successful Digital Transformation Current IT is viewed as the biggest obstacle to Digital Many companies aren’t happy about how they do integration There is an opportunity to be leaders in Digital Transformation rather than be seen as blockers To achieve this we need to rethink our approaches and ways of working
Industry Position of Integration iPaaS Integration Digital Transformation API Economy Azure BizTalk Server API Management is now a commodity Digital Transformation is what nearly every business is doing or wanting to do Realization that integration is the key to Digital Transformation SOA + ESB Hype Cycle Model from Gartner
Am I being left behind?
Do you recognize any of these? We don’t have very good test environments We don’t do automated testing Integration is an after thought We aren’t using the cloud yet We have one massive BizTalk solution with everything in it We struggle to deploy our BizTalk apps We don’t really know what system talks to what Dave is the guy who knows about integration, he is off today Heres a check list of some of the common problems in many BizTalk customers If your looking at this and see many of them in your organization then yes your being left behind
Steps to success The key to success is realizing its not just about technology but technology is still an important part of it
Step 1 – The Culture
Perception of the Integration Team Key note is to recognize that digital reinforces the perception that the business and even IT views TRADITIONAL integration as a necessary evil
Perception of Integration 2 Speed IT is accelerated by good integration I need to deliver Digital Transformation I need good integration Integration is key to Digital Transformation Digital Transformation is a great thing for Integration. Now that everyone has gotten over the API Economy and realized that integration is the electricity to power API and Digital its starting to get a lot of love right now The key is how to get that message out in your organization and how to leverage it We can solve all of your integration problems with our product
Manage Expectations Accept there are different kinds of integration Sometimes integration Is just difficult It should be the requirements not the tools that makes it difficult
Tips It’s a great time for integration Reputation/PR/Marketing of your integration is important Its not magically going to get easy, manage expectations
Step 2 – The Team(s)
Central Integration Delivery Team Advantages Single view of integration Disadvantages Doesn’t scale well Everyone depends on the integration team Expensive Integration Team Team A Integration Specialist Integration Specialist Team B Team C
“Cross Functional” Teams Advantages Team has all skills it needs Disadvantages Skills often non transferrable within team Doesn’t scale well Expensive Lots of potential blockers Eg. Someone takes holiday Short lived teams leads to nomadic solutions Difficult to be consistent across teams The Team Integration Specialist Mobile Specialist Database Specialist SAP Specialist Analyst Web Developer Web Developer Scrum Master
Integrators Everywhere Integration Coordinators Project Team Project Team Integration Specialist Project Team Project Team Integration Specialist Mobile Specialist + Ad-hoc Integrator Integration Coordinators: Coaching Supporting Escalation Governing Database Specialist SAP Specialist Analyst + Citizen Integrator Web Developer + Ad-hoc Integrator Web Developer + Ad-hoc Integrator Scrum Master
Modern Integration Roles Integration Specialist Ad-Hoc Integrator Citizen Integrator Coaching Supporting Escalation Governing Defining Approaches Defining Standards Implementation on hard projects Pair programming Doing bulk of implementation Working within Integration Constraints Working on other non integration features Integration Analysis Light weight integration Low risk integration At Northumbria Uni current skill split 20% Integration Specialist 80% Ad-hoc Integrator Starting to have business analysts looking at Citizen Integrator opportunities
Tips Anyone can be an integrator Coach rather than fight change, promote collaboration Sometimes its hard, then let the specialists do it
Step 3 – The Platform
Best of Breed (aka bits we don’t have) A Familiar Story? Best of Breed (aka bits we don’t have) Competitor Offering API iPaaS Analysis + Reporting Database Custom Code IoT Message Queue Monitoring SaaS Integration Hybrid Hello Mr. Marketing Director, We can solve all of your integration problems with our product
Microsoft – The Bigger Picture Integration.Evolved Integration.Expanded Microsoft produced an excellent paper about how the core Microsoft integration products are evolving to an iPaaS offering and to support the next generation of integration There is however a part of the integration story that for many organizations integration is wider than the core integration products. To describe the full integration picture you also need to bring in products from the wider Azure platform in a similar way to how Cortana Analytics Suite has. Microsoft Core Integration Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Tech Stack Integration Security Application Platform Application Performance Management App Service Azure Active Directory Container Service Redis Cache Function App Batch Application Insights SQL Database Azure AD – B2C / B2B Web Apps Storage Document DB Operations Insights Service Fabric Management & Governance Integration Development Using Azure and Microsoft, the big strength is the relationships between the features on Azure and the ability to use them to support your integration For other vendors every time you want to do something custom or use something in the expanded platform it requires a vendor selection process Security Centre Cortana Analytics Suite Dev Test Labs Stream Analytics Automation Visual Studio Team Services Backup Vaults Cognitive Services Data Lake Storage Data Lake Analytics Dev Machine Templates Resource Groups Data Catalog Machine Learning Power BI
“Cortana Microsoft Integration Suite” EAI/ETL Messaging Orchestration IoT Azure BizTalk BizTalk Server BizTalk Server Service Bus Messaging Logic Apps BizTalk Server Event Hubs IoT Hubs Data Factory SSIS Event Hubs API Hybrid Connectivity BAM/Analytics Citizen Integrator If we follow a model Azure BizTalk Service Bus Relay API Apps API Management Power BI Stream Analytics Power Apps Flows VPN Express Route Event Hubs
Tips There are more technologies than ever Choose the right ones for your organization, match to skills Don’t have a “free for all” Invest in your people to learn new stuff
Step 4 – The Architecture
Challenge - Colouring outside the lines Even with a great architecture and design there are two key challenges: Do the developers know where the lines are? Are the developers cross the lines anyway to get the job done? Empowering the ad-hoc integrator to be able to do more stuff comes with the trade off that they need to understand the responsibility to communicate with the integration specialist if they start to colour outside of the lines Architect Developers
The Evolving Architecture Paradox Start of Project End of Project The challenge for architecture in an agile environment is managing change Agile teams are driven by features and delivery of stories. They look to just get the job done. This is made worse when the cloud empowers them to provision new stuff with out the checks and balances to manage it As an architect the challenge is how do I govern the architecture without being seen to be a blocker for the project The key thing is the identification of “Architecturally significant changes”
Delivery ‘vs’ Architecture Need to Deliver Business Value BUT Technology changes so rapidly Projects change so rapidly Flexibility is king The best way to solve a problem today might be different tomorrow SO Think of architecture as a journey rather than a destination Go into detail on transitional architectures Use common blueprints/patterns Just in time architecture Architecture Delivery Make the customer happy Hit deadlines Deliver the project Effective Architecture Technical Debt “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” - Darwin
Integration Blueprints Blueprint Library Blueprint Details Library of approved patterns for common tasks Owned by Integration Specialists Most implementations should refer to a blueprint Guidance on how to implement RAG status for how much Integration Specialist needs to be aware of your implementation
Dependency Maps Application Insights BizTalk 360
Dependency Maps Logic Apps Power Apps
Tips The biggest challenge is stealth IT within IT (spinning up new Azure stuff without telling anyone) Create blueprints + constraints to identify when the architect wants to know and when the developers are Green Light to Go Think about dependencies to govern architecture Get involved with teams. Architecture is collaborative
Step 5 – Assembly Lines
Where does your organization fit? Where Digital Transformation Needs us to be! Too many organizations: Rubbish development environments No build servers No/Poor testing Cant deploy stuff Provisioning issues block development Graphic from:
Component Type “Assembly Lines” How you do stuff is VERY important: Repeatable Consistent Quality Not overly complex Simple BizTalk Application Complex BizTalk Application Azure Logic App The Integration Specialist sets up the Assembly Line The Adhoc Integrator will build components using the assembly line This reinforces the adherences to practices and governance we put in place Microservice Azure Web Job API Gateway
Simple BizTalk Apps “Assembly Line” Work Management: Visual Studio Team Services Development Environment: Azure Dev Test Labs Analysis: Confluence Guidance: Confluence Source Control: Visual Studio Team Services Templated Code base structure Testing: Specflow Behaviour Driven Development Deployment: Octopus Deploy Looking inside an assembly line you can see the typical components and practices that make up the way we build a specific component The sweet spot is to make your different assembly lines reuse as many components as possible so you have skills transfer between types of component and solution Automated Build: Visual Studio Team Services Configuration Management Testing: MsTest Logging: Application Insights + Log4net
Visual Studio Team Services Microsoft Azure Active Directory Work Item Management Source Control Automated Build BizTalk Developer Workstations .net Integration Workstations Microsoft Azure BizTalk Build Server .net Integration Build Servers Azure Dev Test Lab Application Insights Azure Active Directory Azure IaaS Azure Marketplace Operational Insights
Tips Digital Transformation will fail if you can not effectively build/deploy/manage software There is no longer an excuse for not developing “properly” Azure can remove your infrastructure blockers for development Assembly Line / Predictable Pipeline approaches are key to being effective
Step 6 – Insights
Challenge – What’s happening in the box? Product Owner Business Analyst Integration Ninja Integration Platform IT Pro/Support
Process Insights From BizTalk BAM To Power BI - BAM & Analytics
Engage with Business Users From To Have we processed the month end orders yet? Logic Apps BizTalk Server
Cost Insights Power BI Enterprise Agreement Custom Reports Content Pack
Security Insights Azure – IT Deep Dive Power BI - Management Summary
Application Insights Azure - Deep Dive for Developers Power BI – Product Owner Summary
IT Operations Insights Operations Manager Suite Power BI – Azure Audit Logs
Development Insights Team Foundation Services Power BI – Management Summary
Tips Insights are the secret sauce to culture change Insights make people feel aware and involved There are available insights for every stakeholder in your integration solutions The insights options are one of Microsoft’s biggest strengths
Summary Digital Transformation is the best non-technical thing to happen to integration in years Azure is a great platform to empower “digital” through integration Integration Teams should be leaders in Digital businesses