Sculpture Practice Questions
Describe the composition and appearance of this sculpture and discuss how the techniques of stainless steel and construction have been exploited in this sculpture? Cubi XVIII David Smith polished stainless steel 1964
Helmet Head No bronze height 34cm Analyse the materials and techniques used to make this sculpture and consider ways in which they contribute to the interpretation of the subject.
Describe the style and techniques used in this sculpture and comment on the sculptors interpretation of the human figure. Gian Lorenzo Bernini, David, marble, (Galleria Borghese, Rome)
Describe the style and technique of this sculpture and discuss the interpretation of the subject matter. Kouros, Greek, Stone
Describe and discuss the appearance of this sculpture and comment on how the material has affected the interpretation of the subject matter. Object - Le Déjeuner en fourrure (The lunch in fur ) Meret Oppenheim Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon, cup (10.9 cm) in diameter; saucer " (23.7 cm) in diameter; spoon (20.2 cm) long, overall height (7.3 cm).
Describe and discuss the use of materials and techniques in this sculpture and comment on how they have been exploited to represent the subject. Fig.2 Naum Gabo Linear Construction in Space No.1 (conceived 1942, this version probably executed 1960s)