Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency European and international stakeholders Codex Alimentarius EU National implementations 2
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Codex Alimentarius The Codex Alimentarius is the international organisation that deals with food safety on a global scale. It was founded fifty years ago by the WHO and FAO. Close to all countries of the world are a member of the Codex Alimentarius today. Risk assessment: JECFA, JMPR,…. Risk management: Codex Alimentarius Commission and its Members and Organisations Proposals for standards for international trade of food and feed WTO-SPS 3 3
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Codex Alimentarius: JECFA 4 4 Results of JECFA evaluations are published and public available, e.g. on the website safety/chem/jecfa/public ations/monographs/en/in dex.html
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Codex Alimentarius: standards 5 5 Codex standards are published in different Codex documents. These can be found on the website ius.org/standards/list-of- standards/en Besides there are lists of standards that can be searched. The list of “contaminants” is presented in CODEX STAN
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency WTO: SPS agreement 7 7
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Food safety in the EU 8 Based on the risk analysis approach of the Codex Alimentarius According to the “General Food Law”, Regulation 178/2002 Harmonization of food and feed safety legislation, to ensure free trade in the internal market of the EU members, and assure a high level of protection of consumers in the community Placed under the Directorate General Health and Food Safety (SANTE) of the European Commission Its risk assessment body is EFSA Official control is supervised by the FVO Legal framework of Regulations, including Contaminants in food and feed; developed by the Commission and the Member States 8
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Food safety approach Food safety policy in the EU is based on the principle of risk analysis according to the Codex Alimentarius. This principle is copied in the EU legislation 178/
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency EU Risk assessment: EFSA publications 10
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency DG SANTE 11 food safety discussions with MS
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency EU: Standing Committee & Expert Committees 12
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency EU: Standing and Expert Committee meeting 13 Members SANTE Chair
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency EU Standing Committee on PAFF: agenda 14
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency The EC and the Member States 15 1.Food safety signal from EFSA or from a Member State 2.Proposal for legislation made by the European Commission and the Member States 3.Discussion on the proposal (optional) in the Expert Committee between the European Commission and the Member States 4.Vote on the proposal in the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF) 5.Proposal presented for scrutiny to the European Council and European Parliament 15
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency National systems No regulations or directives on how to organize the legal framework in the EU member states Risk assessment: national institutes (e.g. BfR), universities, expert board, or use of opinions of JECFA or EFSA Risk management: Ministries of Public Health, or of Agriculture, …. Official control: public laboratories, food safety authority, private systems, …. Risk communication: department or food safety authority, consumer information organisation, none…. 16