Local Control Accountability Plan LCAP SKUSD 2015/16.


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Presentation transcript:

Local Control Accountability Plan LCAP SKUSD 2015/16

Defined:  Every California school district, county office of education, and charter school must have a 3-year Local Control and Accountability Plan.  It is a detail plan of how your district plans to spend its state funding of identified “concentration funds and supplement funds” through the Local Control Funding Formula. What is LCAP

 Defined:  Supplemental funds are funds provided to school district to support disadvantaged students identified by categories: low income (free/reduced meal recipients), foster youth, homeless youth, and English learners.  Concentration funds are additional funds added to the supplemental funds if the number of identified students exceed 55% of the district’s enrollment. What are Concentration and Supplemental Funds

 Administration ultimately decides where to spend the funds. However they are charged with the responsibility to have meetings where all stakeholders in the district can give input.  County audits the district’s LCAP for compliance for operational viability and budgeted expenditures.  CDE audits the district’s LCAP for all regulatory requirements. Decision Makers for the LCAP

 Each school district must engage:  Parents  Educators  Employees  Students  Members of the community Identified Stakeholders

 Migrant Families  Parent Advisory Council  DLAC and ELAC  Community: RMAC, Rotary, other community Partners  RTA & CSEA  PTA and General Parent Meetings  Student Listening Circle Meetings  LCAP Surveys  Public Hearing with Board SKUSD Stakeholder Meetings Included

 A. Conditions of Learning:  Basic: degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned pursuant to Education Code section , and fully credentialed in the subject areas and for the pupils they are teaching; pupils have access to standards- aligned instructional materials pursuant to Education Code section 60119; and school facilities are maintained in good repair pursuant to Education Code section 17002(d). (Priority 1)  Implementation of State Standards: implementation of academic content and performance standards and English language development standards adopted by the state board for all pupils, including English learners. (Priority 2)  Course access: pupil enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code section and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 7) 8 California State Priority Requirements for LCAP

 B. Pupil Outcomes:  Pupil achievement: performance on standardized tests, score on Academic Performance Index, share of pupils that are college and career ready, share of English learners that become English proficient, English learner reclassification rate, share of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher, share of pupils determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program. (Priority 4)  Other pupil outcomes: pupil outcomes in the subject areas described in Education Code section and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Education Code section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 8) 8 California State Priority Requirements for LCAP

 C. Engagement:  Parental involvement: efforts to seek parent input in decision making at the district and each school site, promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and special need subgroups. (Priority 3)  Pupil engagement: school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle school dropout rates, high school dropout rates, high school graduations rates. (Priority 5)  School climate: pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness. (Priority 6) 8 California State Priority Requirements for LCAP

 SKUSD is 90% unduplicated count of enrollment of identified students qualifying for supplement and concentration funds.  In 2014/15 SKUSD will receive $8,424,000 (23%)  In 2015/16 SKUSD will receive $8,770,000 (24%)  In 2016/17 SKUSD will receive $9,045,000 (25%) Note: These revenue numbers are estimates subject to change. All goals must identify a state priority. Relevant Information

Improve Student and Staff Safety Priority: School Climate (6), Basic (1) District will demonstrate an increase of 10% in Safety Officer staffing and install video monitoring at 50% or more of its campuses. Through a survey of 250 employees, parents, and students the district will increase the average District score by.25 basis points from the previous year’s safety survey. District will decrease suspension rate for violence by 10%. LCAP Goal #1

LCAP GOAL 1 Results LCAPP GOAL RESULTS 2015/16 SCHOOL YEAR Achieved Goal Did Not Achieve Goal End ResultMeasurement Criteria Goal P1 Results P1 Goal P2 Results P2 Goal EOYResults EOY Reduction of suspensions forSuspension rate<.5%0.00%<.5%0.15%<.5%0.25 violent act or posession of weaponas a percentage of ADA Reduction of expulsions Gross number of expulsions Increase of Campus SafetyGross number of CSOs24 Officers (CSO) Installation of video monitoringGross number of sites Survey Results1 to 5 Likert Score

 Improve Student Learning Outcomes  Priority: Pupil Achievement (4), Engagement (5), Basic (1), State Standards (2), Course Access (7),  Increase/improve student scores on all bench mark and state tests as well as increase percentage of graduates' scores on college entrance exams along with graduation/promotion rates and decrease in retention rates. Measured through bench mark tests (avg. 72.1%), API scores (avg. 715), CASHEE passing rate (98.3%), Grad rates (97.1%), college readiness (16%). LCAP Goal #2

End ResultMeasurement CriteriaGoal P1 Results P1Goal P2 Results P2 Goal EOYResults EOY Increse CAHSEE pass ratePercentage of studentsN/A passing exam Increase SBAC ScoresPercentage increase ofELA Average District ScoresMATH College class participationIncrease by number of students EL Student reclassficationIncrease by number of student AP ExamsIncrease number of studentsN/A passing with 3 or better Benchmark State StandardsIncrease in scores byELAN/A percentageMATHN/A Decrease of remedial collegeDecrease of students course requirementsby percentages LCAP Goal 2 Result

 Improve Student and Parent Engagement  Basic (1), Parental Involvement (3), Engagement (5), Climate (6) Other Outcomes (8), Achievement (4)  Increase parent involvement and input in the district and student learning. Parent and student participation to enhance actions of the District that will improve students’ social and emotional skills. Measured through attendance rates of committees, PTA, and Booster Clubs (avg. 12.4%) LCAP Goal #3

End ResultMeasurement CriteriaGoal P1 Results P1Goal P2 Results P2 Goal EOYResults EOY Communication contactsIncrease in the number per yearof contacts Electronic contactsIncrease in the number of E-contact info Committee particiaptionIncrease in the number by parentsof parents Surveying family involvement1 to 5 Likert Score LCAP Goal #3 result

Increase Community outreach to improve students’ quality of life. Priority: Engagement (5), Involvement (3), other Outcomes (8) To increase the District's support of the community of Rosamond through additional programs and services that will improve student's quality of life. Measured through student participation in our After School programs (943 ADA), Meals served (46,473 monthly), Adult Education (34 ADA), College enrollment (5% of seniors). LCAP Goal #4

End ResultMeasurement CriteriaGoal P1 Results P1Goal P2 Results P2 Goal EOYResults EOY Improve AttendanceADA as a percentage of enrollment Improve AttendancePercentage of chronically absent students Middle School DropoutMaintain current rate rate High School DropoutLower dropout rate rateby.5% HS graduation rateIncrease rate by After School ProgramsIncrease number of students LCAP Goal #4 results

Improve student access to technology Priority: State Standards (2), Course Access (7), Achievement (4), Engagement (5) Increase students’ access to technology and integrate technology into the curriculum and student learning outcomes. Measured by the percentage of devices in the District to Students (41%) LCAP Goal #5

End ResultMeasurement Criteria Goal P1 Result s P1Goal P2 Result s P2 Goal EOYResults EOY Maintaining State Standards All Classrooms implementingYes State Standards Yes or No Differentiation of InstructionPercentage of teachers33%70%33%73%33%81% for EL Studentsdemonstrating differentiation Increase in TechnologyPercentage of increase20%33%20%33%20%33% 1:1 Computer DevicesCompleted or not Compl etedYes Comple tedYes Comp letedYes Grades LCAP Goal #5 Results

 Improve Learning Conditions  Priority: Other Outcomes (8), Achievement (4), Climate (6), Course Access (7), State Standards (2)  Improve classroom and learning environment through professional development and improved course development and curriculum alignment. Measured through hours of professional development (50 annually), percentage of properly credentialed teachers (93%). LCAP Goal #6

End ResultMeasurement CriteriaGoal P1 Results P1Goal P2 Results P2Goal EOYResults EOY Instructional MaterialsPercent of students have100% access to materials School FacilitiesPercentage of maintained100% facilities in good repair Credentialed TeachersIncrease in fully credentialed89%87%89%87%89%87% LCAP Goal #6 Results

 What new goals should be added?  What actions are recommended to support new or existing goals? LCAP YEAR 3 GOALS