Nikita Khrushchev ( ) De-stalinization Peaceful coexistence with the West Hungarians revolted against communist rule in 1956 Sent tanks to smash them Sputnik Leonid Brezhnev ( ) Suppressed dissidents Dissidents? Faced arrest and imprisonment or locked away in an insane asylum
Set up as an alliance against the forces of NATO. Warsaw Pact consisted of countries that were communist
The building of the Berlin Wall The Cuban Missile Crisis Khmshchev tried building nuclear missile bases in Cuba Ussr invaded Afghanistan
Leader of the Soviet Union from Glasnost – Openness Ended censorship and encouraged people to openly discuss the countries problems Perestroika – restructuring of the government and economy Hoped to boost efficiency (reduce size and complexity of government bureaucracy) Backed free market ideas Wanted economy to produce more high quality consumer goods
Brought economic turmoil Shortages which caused prices to rise Factories closed because they couldn’t survive w/out government help therefore unemployment was high Reforms were rejected “old-line” communist Glasnost caused unrest Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania gained independence Gorbachev resigned in 1991
President of Russia from
Yeltsin privatized state run industries and collective farms Market economy lead to Unemployment soaring Prices skyrocketed Old people with pensions were hit hard as well because they couldn’t afford things Those who had successes were resented by the poor Criminals flourished and ruthless gangs preyed on the new business class Country defaulted – failed to make payments on foreign debt Russian currency – the ruble - collapsed
Economy survived but banks and businesses closed People lost savings and jobs Failure to solve the problem caused unrest Minorities wanted greater independence Eventually Yeltsin resigned office in 1999 and Putin won the first free election in Russian history in 2000.
President of Russia from Prime Minister of Russia from and again from 2008 – 2012 In Russia President is #1 and Prime Minister is #2.