Physical Education Fundamental movement skills Cricket-striking and fielding skills Orienteering – team work and problem solving skills. Tennis – Striking.


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Presentation transcript:

Physical Education Fundamental movement skills Cricket-striking and fielding skills Orienteering – team work and problem solving skills. Tennis – Striking skills Science – Electrical Circuits Revise knowledge of electrical conductors and insulators To use the correct symbols for drawing a circuit Associate the brightness of a lamp or volume of a buzzer with the number of cells used in a circuit History – Ancient Greece A study of Greek life including their interpretation of democracy Consider how the origins of the Olympics in Greece have influenced the world Computing: Software Development Using Wikipedia for research and creating wiki pages. Curriculum Year A Summer RE Pentecost & Ascension Delve deeper into the meaning and impact of Pentecost & Ascension Jesus the Teacher Consider carefully the messages of the parables and how they impact on the lives of practising Christians Daniel Recall Daniel’s life Express their opinions about the choices made by Daniel DT – Cooking / Sewing Prepare and cook a savoury dish using a range of cooking techniques (Moussaka) Apply growing knowledge and skill of cross and running stitch to create a product Art – Sports Person in Motion (Sculpture) Make observations of sports people in action Comment on famous sculptures Design and create a sculpture of a sporting person (linked to Olympics) Improve skills of sculpting Evaluate / make comment on finished sculpture Music: Consider how melody reflects the lyrics Geography – Greece (Locational) Locate the country of Greece within the continent of Europe Compare the physical features of Greece with that of the UK Consider how some of the key features of the Greek landscape influenced the development of Ancient Greece Literacy - Cross Curricular Reading Comprehension – Ancient Greece information Written interview with Daniel Report on life in Ancient Greece Maths Cross Curricular: Planning a journey / data collection / miles to kilometres Ancient Greece PSHCE Consider the Olympic values in relation to British Values SEAL – Moving on French Explaining daily routines in French?

SCHOOL INFORMATION School HOURS 8.55am – 3.15pm HEAD TEACHER Mrs K. Keen CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Mrs J. Lazarus SCHOOL ADDRESS Lathom Avenue Warrington WA2 8AL SCHOOL TELEPHONE Website Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to come to school for any reason. SCHOOL DATES Holidays Half term- 11 th April 2016 Finish on Friday 27 th May nd half term- Monday 13 th June 2016 Finish on Friday 22nd July 2016 For all other dates and events please refer to the school newsletter THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR CHILD AT HOME Ensure that your child gets a good nights sleep Ensure that your child has had breakfast before coming to school Encourage your child to read each night and hear them read, asking them questions at least once a week. Write in their reading record. Help your child to learn their times tables in order and mixed up. Ensure your child has completed their my maths homework each week. Help your child to learn the Y5 statutory spellings Remember to ask if you have any queries. CULTURAL PATHWAY Author – C.S Lewis Composer – Beethoven Artist – John Constable SCHOOL VISITS Stockport Air Raid Shelter ST. ANN’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY CENTRE Year 5 TEAM Class Teachers Mr Cartledge Teaching Assistants Miss Caunter KEY DATES IN THE WEEK Tuesday PE (outdoor and indoor) Please keep PE kit in school Friday Celebration assembly 9:15am in school hall Homework and reading records checked