ELENA installation progress F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
ELENA is on its way… ELENA installation: two main stages (baseline) 1. Jan 2015 – July 2016: Main ring 1.1 Infrastructure + source 1.2 Injection line (from AD) 1.3 Ring machine elements 2. Dec 2016 – Oct 2017: Transfer lines to experiments + corresponding infrastructure (mainly cabling) F. Butin / ELENA collaboration 12
Infrastructure installation Infrastructure installation is nearing completion: Extensive cleaning campaign performed, kicker generators relocated to bdg 393 Survey network complete Metallic support structures complete (central and lateral platforms, racks platform) Cooling demineralized water distribution complete Compressed air network complete AD racks re-organization and re-cabling complete ELENA Racks installation in AD hall complete Cable trays in place F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Infrastructure installation (2) Infrastructure installation is nearing completion: Signal cables and connectors installation complete AC powering to racks and around ring complete Machine elements supports installed and aligned Injection kicker generator commissioned Shielding elements installation startedOptical fibers installation (mid Nov) IT connections (mid Dec) RP equipment cabling in progress, monitors in April 2016 F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Infrastructure installation (3) Infrastructure items remaining to be installed: Access control systems (mid Jan 2016) Racks and services (supports, cooling, magnets DC cabling) in AD power room (Dec 2015 – March 2016) Power converters (March – May 2016) F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
ELENA machine elements F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Dipole magnet Scraper RF Cavity Quadrupole magnets Electron cooler Electrostatic ejection kicker Septum magnet Injection kicker magnet Tune measurement SEM detector Ion switch INJECTION EJECTIO N Electrostatic quadrupole EJECTION Ion source F. Butin ELENA collaboration Longitudinal Pick-up BTV
ELENA machine elements Already in place: Injection Septum magnet, connections and cooling Ion switch (used for injection from ion source) installed and will be tested with source in February Ion source hardware including power supply, HV cables and protection hood. F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
ELENA machine elements (2) And much more to come: Injection Kicker magnet tank production complete, being vac tested, HV tests planned, instal mid March Main bending magnets manufactured for Jan 2016, Installation section 3+6 mid Feb, then 1 per month TL bending magnets ready, install 20 Jan All other magnets being manufactured, last install 17 May, except last 2 correctors (mid July) BPM’s built, being vacuum tested (1 per week), pbs with NEG coating, integration inside vac chambers planned mid March F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
ELENA machine elements (3) LPU’s being assembly being finalized at workshop, install mid May Scraper vacuum tested, final assembly in progress. New tests needed after assembly, install end June BTV (on the ring) being vacuum tested, issues with push-pull… Install April BTV on injection line LNI to be cleaned and vac tested, install end Feb Electron cooler being manufactured, delivery date TBC, vacuum system production starting, install July, commissioning can start with dummy vac pipe F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
ELENA machine elements (4) Electrostatic fast deflectors NEG coated, install Feb Electrostatic quadrupoles ready, install Feb SEM tank prototype vacuum tested, will be fully equipped and tested with ion source in Feb RF cavity in production, vacuum tests planned in march, install mid April Tune measurement production started, install April. Vacuum components either purchased, procured or being manufactured / tested / NEG coated at CERN. F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Schedule overview F. Butin/ ELENA collaboration InfrastructureMachineCommissionning
Conclusions Infrastructure installation complete, in time Installation of injection line inside AD shielding being performed during YETS: major milestone Machine elements production and testing is ongoing, some delays but no impact yet Machine elements installation has started, pace will increase as of February F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Conclusions (2) Planning still in line with ring commissionning in July 2016 Transfer lines installation slot still pending (Dec 2016 – Sept 2017 or LS2…) Aegis removal ECR awaited… GBAR exp area being re-organized, bunker installation to start in Feb, online monitoring of impact on AD magnets location ALPHA and ASACUSA exp areas enlargement proposed, financing to be secured, participation of EP department expected F. Butin/ ELENA collaboration