Ο ρόλος των μη χειρουργικών θεραπειών στο μη μεταστατικό μυοδιηθητικό καρκίνο ουροδόχου κύστεως Γεώργιος Δ. Λύπας Παθολόγος Ογκολόγος Α’ Ογκολογική Κλινική & Μονάδα Γενετικής Ογκολογίας ΔΘΚΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ
Clinical States Model: Bladder Cancer
Treatment options? Presented By Matt Galsky at 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting
Cystectomy is potentially curative Presented By Matt Galsky at 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting
Bladder cancer is a disease of the elderly Presented By Matt Galsky at 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting
Radical cystectomy is performed less frequently in the elderly Presented By Matt Galsky at 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting
Bladder Cancer: A disease of the elderly
What else do we need to know? Presented By Matt Galsky at 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting
Geriatric Assessment Presented By Matt Galsky at 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting
Overview Presented By Nicholas James at 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting
Bladder cancer is a systemic disease
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and survival
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
MRC/EORTC Trial - Loco-regional and metastatic control
Is survival better after surgery? Presented By Nicholas James at 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting
Survival from UK Registry data
Survival is better after surgery?
Survival surgery vs radiotherapy
Age at diagnosis
Choice of treatment
Chemoradiation vs radiotherapy alone
Synchronous Chemo-radiotherapy
Cisplatinum and RT +/- surgery
BCON: Aim and endpoints
BCON Results
BC2001: Trial design
Chemotherapy regimen
Patient demographics
Acute toxicity
RTOG 6 month toxicity outcomes
Loco-regional disease free survival in chemotherapy randomisation
Slide 29
Patterns of recurrence after chemoRT
Markers for outcome
Baseline indicators of poor outcome with (chemo)RT
Can we select good responders?
Trimodality therapy
Results – Boston approach
MRE11 hypothesis
Slide 37
Cisplatin Toxicities
Impact of Renal Impairment on Eligibility for Adjuvant Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy
Unfit for Cisplatin
Concurrent RT with non-platinum chemotherapy ● Gemcitabine 200mg/m2: twice a week (from d1) ● n=34 (elderly pts) ● T2-T4, N any ● 6 wks – CR:13/34 ● 1y. survival 81% ● Gr3-4 toxicity: 5/34 (feb. neutropenia or dehydration) J Clin Oncol 27, 2009 (suppl; abstr e16135)
Optimization of Chemotherapy: Avoid in those unlikely to respond
Alterations in ATM, RB1 or FANCC predict pathologic complete response (pT0) (Plimack et al. Abstract 4538)
Association of ERCC2 mutations with cisplatin sensitivity in MIBC (Rosenberg et al. Abstract 4510)
Optimization of Chemotherapy: Avoid in those likely to experience toxicity
Induction of p16LUC Correlates with Age
Expression of p16 INK4a by age and prior chemotherapy exposure
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Response according to PD-L1 status (on tumor cells) by IHC
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