Old Yeller By: Kayla Winters
Authors Biography Fred Gipson was born February 7,1908.And he was an American author. He is best known for writing the 1956 novel ‘’Old Yeller,’’ that became a popular Walt Disney film. Fred Gipson was born on a farm near Mason in the Texas Hill Country. After working a variety of farming and ranching jobs, he enrolled in 1933 at the university of Texas at Austin. There he wrote for the Daily Texan and the ranger but he left before he graduated to become a newspaper journalist.
setting Salt lick Texas In the 1800’s
characters Little Arliss- wanted to claim Old Yeller Travis- big brother of Little Arliss Papa- Little Arliss and Travis's father Ma- Little Arliss and Travis's mother Lizbeth- Little Arliss and Travis's friend Bud Searcy- Lizbeths Grandfather Burn Sanderson- Old Yellers first owner The pup-Lizbeth gave Travis
Authors purpose To entertain reader with a story about a family who found a dog that they soon claimed.
Sequence Old Yeller stole some of their meat They kept Old Yeller Travis began to like Old Yeller After Old Yeller Saved Little Arliss’s life the first time Travis petted him, pulled a thorn from his paw, cleared the tick out of his ears, washed him, rubbed him with bacon grease to rout flea’s and let him sleep in his bed.
Sequence Burn Sanderson warned Travis about hydrophobic animals Travis was afraid because of what Burn told him A bunch of hogs cut up Old Yeller and Travis Lizbeth helped take care of Travis and Old Yeller
Sequence Spot had hydrophobia Travis shot her Ma and Lizbeth had to go get wood to burn her Ma and Lizbeth were gone a long time Travis went looking for them A wolf attacked them Old Yeller stopped the hydrophobic wolf and was bitten so they had to shoot him.
Compare/Contrast Old Yeller and the pup were alike because one day the pup took off with a piece of bread and at the beginning Old Yeller took their meat.
Theme One Theme of this story is about a dog who comes to a boy but the boy doesn’t like him Next the boy learns to like him and they become best friends
Summary One day Travis finds a dog and he doesn’t like him but Travis’s little brother wants to keep him so their mother decides to let him keep the dog. Then one day Little Arliss was holding on to a cubs foot so the mother came running after him so Old Yeller saved him and that’s when the friendship began.