Punctuation marks: Comma, Apostrophe’ “Quotation mark”


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Presentation transcript:

Punctuation marks: Comma, Apostrophe’ “Quotation mark” Submitted by: ZAINAB EJAZ Submitted to: MA’AM HENNA QURESHI

Punctuation marks: Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences.  They are used to structure and organize your writing.

Punctuation marks include: Full stop Comma Apostrophe Quotation mark Question mark

Punctuation marks include: Brackets Dash Exclamation mark Colon Semi colon

Importance of Punctuation marks: They show reader where sentence start and finish. It helps bring the right kind of expression into writing. It changes the tone of voice to show emphasis. It creates clarity in sentence.

Uses of punctuation marks (with examples) In a sentences punctuation marks can make two different senses. A woman without her man is nothing It can be punctuate in two ways: 1. A woman; without her, man is nothing. 2. A woman, without her man, is nothing.

Uses of punctuation marks (with examples) He was bitten by a dog which hurt him With punctuation marks: He was bitten by a dog, which hurt him. Ouch that hurt “Ouch! That hurt.” Taras sister Tara's sister

Comma: The comma is a valuable, most frequently used punctuation mark because it separates the structural elements of sentences into manageable segments. Commas make the meaning of sentences clear by grouping and separating words, phrases, and clauses.

Importance of comma: I am going to eat Aniqa. or It is recommended that the comma be used cautiously and wisely.

Uses of comma (with examples) Commas have a lot of different uses. Using commas in lists You need to put a comma between the different items in a list, We had coffee, cheese, crackers and grapes. RULE 01:

RULE 02: Using commas in direct speech Comma can be used to introduce or interrupt direct quotations. Qirat said, "I don't care.” "I don't care," Qirat said. RULE 03: Using commas to set off introductory elements, as in: "Running toward third base, he suddenly realized how stupid he looked."

RULE 04: Use commas to set off the name, nickname, term of endearment, or title of a person directly addressed. Will you, Arooba, do that assignment for me? Yes, old friend, I will. Good day, Captain. RULE 05:  Use a comma to separate a statement from a question. I can go, can't I?

Using commas to separate clauses RULE 06: Using commas to separate clauses Commas are used to separate clauses in a complex sentence. I first saw Amna in Paris, where I lived in the early nineties. [main clause] [subordinate clause]  

I'm from the Rawalpindi, Pakistan. RULE 07: Using commas in Run-on Sentences Mishal went to make a strong cup of coffee, for she was falling asleep at her desk. RULE 08: Use a comma to separate a city from its state . I'm from the Rawalpindi, Pakistan.  

Apostrophe: The apostrophe is an important punctuation mark used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case, or the plural of letters or figures.

Importance of Apostrophe: It is recommended that the apostrophe be used cautiously and wisely. like "shed" and "she'd". Or we'll and well.

Uses of Apostrophe (with examples) There are three main uses of apostrophe: Using apostrophe in contractions Apostrophe is used to indicate omissions in contracted words. You are right. = You’re right. RULE 01:

RULE 02: Using apostrophe to indicate plurals Apostrophe is used to indicate plural of letters or figures. Mississippi has lots of S's in it . The binary system uses 0's and 1's. The do's and the don'ts of apostrophe usage. She has trouble pronouncing her the's.

RULE 03: Using apostrophe to indicate possessives Apostrophe is used to show possession. The dog’s bowls - says that the bowls belong to dog. The boy’s coats - says that the coats belong to boy. The car’s wheels - says that the wheels belong to car.

RULE 03: Using apostrophe to indicate possessives continued……….. With singular owner: Add 's to singular nouns to show they are the "owners” This is Joan's jacket . Note:  If the singular owner already ends with s, then add only an apostrophe after s.  This is Williams’ jacket .

RULE 03: Using apostrophe to indicate possessives continued……….. With plural owner: Add only an apostrophe to plural nouns to show they are the "owners.“ This is boys’ club. Note:  If the plural nouns does not end in s, add 's to show they are the owners. This is men’ s club.

Quotation mark: Quotation marks are punctuation marks placed either side of a word or phrase in order to identify it as a quotation, direct speech or a literal title or name.

USES OF QUOTATION MARKS There are some important rules to punctuate quotation marks which are as follows: RULE 01: Use them for direct quotes She said, “I am going to the market.”

Titles of artistic works RULE 02: To indicate Irony The elite, composed by people of mixed ancestry, embraced their "whiteness."  RULE 03: Titles of artistic works for the titles of shorter works(ie short stories, song titles, essays etc). "Get the Old Off the Road," by David Frum

Nicknames and false titles RULE 04: Nicknames and false titles Nat "King" Cole, Miles "Tails" Prower, or John "Hannibal" Smith. RULE 05: Use in silent speech Silent speech can be written in single quotation marks or none at all. Oh, what a beautiful morning, Curly said to himself. ‘Oh, what a beautiful morning!’ Curly said to himself.

Signaling unusual usage RULE 06: Signaling unusual usage Where a word is not being used in its current commonly accepted sense. Crystals somehow "know" which shape to grow into.

Double punctuation with quotation RULE 07: Double punctuation with quotation Quoted statement is a question: Teacher asked, “Why have you not done your homework?” Quoted statement is not a question: Who said “I’m not worth it”? Question ends with exclamation mark Wasn't it Imran Khan who declared, "Why, this is the most hypocritical government since the world began!"

Beware of nonstandard usage To emphasis on a word instead of underlining or italics is not appropriate! Cashiers' desks open until noon for your "convenience"  . For sale: "fresh" fish.

For watching our presentation I hope you like it.

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