California’s Mineral, Energy and Soil Resources
Geology of California Some of the features of the California landscape formed as the result of tectonic processes that took place deep beneath the surface
Subduction of an oceanic plate beneath the NA plate formed pools of magma which turned to igneous rock. Uplift and erosion led to the Sierras.
Subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath the NA plate produced volcanoes, including Shasta and Lassen
Water erosion and glaciers shaped the mountains and valleys. – Rivers that began in the Sierras cut valleys and eventually slowed, leaving sediment. – Deposition of sediment created Mojave Desert and Central Valley
The Central Valley began as an inland sea. Mountains formed on both sides and over a million years, the valley filled in with sediment.
California’s Mineral Resources California’s major mineral resources include sand, gravel, stone, gold, silver, iron and clay.
California Minerals
Industrial Minerals Sand and gravel are most valuable industrial minerals – Used in road building and construction
Metallic Minerals Gold, silver and iron are the major metallic minerals mined in California. – Gold mining still occurs today in the Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains and Mojave Desert – Silver is mined in the Sierra Nevada. – Iron is mined in the Mojave Desert
Gold Mine
Mining for gold
Nonmetallic Minerals Three other important mineral resources are borates, gypsum and clay – Borates used for fiberglass, detergents, glass – Gypsum used for wallboard, plaster, cement – Clay used in ceramics, bricks
Gemstones Some gemstones are found in California including: garnet, agate, jade
State Gem=Benitoite
California is a leading producer of energy Oil Natural gas Geothermal energy Wind/Solar
Oil 15% of oil produced in US comes from California Oils wells are on land and offshore
Oil well
Offshore oil well
Natural gas Natural gas often forms along with oil Used for heating, cooking and fuel
Natural gas well
Geothermal Energy Area where magma is close to the surface and heats the groundwater
Geothermal Power Plant
The Geysers Geothermal Powerplant
California’s Soil Resources Soil is one of California’s most important resources – Soils vary with location Central Valley has most fertile soils, used for agriculture, contains over half of California’s farmland
California’s Soil Resources