Heating Up Chapter 26 Section 2
China Becomes Communist Chinese communists (led by Mao Zedong) struggling against nationalist gov. of Chiang Kai-shek for 20 years US sends $ to help Nationalists Nationalists were admired by Americans for resisting Japanese before and during WWII BUT US govt says Chiang’s gov’t very corrupt but at least not communist Chiang’s policies undermine the Nationalists party movements Ex., Nationalist government collected grain tax from farmers even during 1944 famine. City dwellers protested against the 10,000% increase on price of rice, Chiang’s secret police opened fire on them.
Communist China Mao Zedong leader of communist party in China Mao’s gov’t won support of people because worked to provide aid, training, and education to peasants (majority of population) The result is peasants rush to join the Red Army and support Mao By 1945 much of Northern China is controlled by Communist.
Nationalists vs. Communists 1945 Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong -Ruled in the South and East -Relied heavily on aid from US -Struggled with inflation and failing economy -Weak leadership, poor morale -Ruled in the North -Relied on aid from USSR -Attracted peasants with claims of land reform -Benefitted from experienced guerilla army
Civil War Civil War b/w Communists and Nationalists starts up after Japan leave at end of WW2 US supports Nationalists (just because they aren’t commys) US tries to negotiate peace between the two groups, but refuses to commit soldiers instead sends $2 billion in military supplies. It is NOT enough. By May 1949, Chiang and Nationalists forced to leave China, fled to the island Taiwan and set up non- communist government there (also called Formosa) Mao Zedong and Red Army take control of China, renamed People’s Republic of China (US refuses to recognize them)
America’s Reaction US is stunned!!! Containment failed! Republicans and Democrats blame Truman for only supplying limited aid. Wasn’t it important to contain communism in both Europe and Asia? State Dept says what happened in China was not because of our lack of aid but internal issues in China. We had only failed in helping these internal forces (like the fact that the people hated Chiang). Trying to do more would have resulted in a war we didn’t want to fight. Conservatives view this as a lame excuse. They say the real reason is the US government has major problems with secret communists spies who are trying to bring us down Bring on the Red Scare!!!
Korean War: Backstory Japan had annexed Korea in 1919 and ruled it until August WWII ends Japanese troops north of 38 th parallel surrendered to the Soviets. Japanese troops below surrendered to the American’s Nation is now split (like in Germany) By 1949 # of US troops in South Korea is reduced greatly Stalin sees this as US will not fight to defend the South, gives the north what they need to invade
Division South Korea (Republic of Korea), set up in area that had been occupied by the US. President is Syngman Rhee Capital is Seoul (the traditional capital) North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) Leader is Kim Il Sung Capital is Pyongyang
The War… June 25,1950- War starts when North attacks the South South asks UN for help, UN votes on it SU not there (boycotting UN) Truman also agrees to send separate group of US troops Troops placed under leadership of Gen. Douglas MacArthur (had been in Japan setting up Democracy there)
War continued… MacArthur launches surprise attack on the North ( Sep 1950) and pushes troops back into North China joins in war on side of North (1950) and pushes troops back South ( Main opponents become Chinese Communist’s and Democratic Americans) War soon reaches stalemate June 23, 1951 a cease-fire is suggested
MacArthur calls for an extension of the war into China, calls for use of nukes against them. Believes Korea is the place “where the communists conspirators have elected to make their play for global conquest” Truman rejects this request because the USSR had a mutual assistance pact with China. Feared it would start WWIII “Wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy”—Gen Omar Bradley, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Instead, relaunch attack and in 1951 are able to take back Seoul and push NK to 38 th (again)
MacArthur again insists on attack of China and tries to go over Truman’s head to get it done, speaks to Republican leaders and the press Repeatedly told to stand down and follow orders April 1, 1951 Truman fires MacArthur Americans are shocked! MacArthur is a national hero! Returns to US, gives address to Congress, gets major parade in NYC “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away”
Over yet? USSR suggests a cease fire on June 23, 1951 Truce talks begin in July Agreement is made regarding location of the cease-fire and establishment of a demilitarized zone. Spend another year exchanging POWs July 1953, official end date of war
Results… War cost US 54,000 lives $64 billion in expenditures Seen as unsuccessful and often called the “forgotten war” Americans reject Democrat party in 1952 and elect the Republican candidate, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Leads to HUGE increase in fear of communism.