BUILDING A HIGHLY AVAILABLE HYPER-V CLUSTER USING FREE MICROSOFT HYPER-V SERVER: PRACTICE Max Kolomyeytsev StarWind Virtual SAN Product Manager Alex Karavanov 5Nine Virtualization Security Engineer
АGENDA Quick recap of the previous event Fulfilling cluster pre-requisites Creating highly available storage Managing our cluster Conclusion Q&A
STARWIND SOFTWARE Ownership: Privately held with VC backend since 2008, spin-off from Rocket Division Software Investors: VEEAM, Almaz Capital, AVentures Product: StarWind Virtual SAN™ storage virtualization software Users: More than 250,000 paying and playing customers Headquarters: Boston, MA, USA Number of employees: 50+ Customer care: Worldwide, 24x7x365 support Global Alliance Partners: Microsoft, VMware, Citrix, Dell, IBM, HP, VEEAM
5NINE SOFTWARE Leading solutions provider of management & security applications for Windows Server & Microsoft Hyper-V environments: Products built exclusively for Hyper-V ecosystem Hyper-V Management for SMB Powerful agentless and multi-tenant security for Hyper-V Easy conversion from VMware to Hyper-V Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts with offices in New Jersey and Europe. More than 25,000 clients worldwide.
I’VE GOT TWO NEW BOXES WITH SERVERS INSIDE, WHAT’S NEXT? (FULFILLING CLUSTER PRE-REQUISITES) 1.Unpack 2.Install Free Microsoft Hyper-V on each 3.Install 5nine Manager and use it to create identical virtual switches and two DC VMs (one per host) for redundancy. We are building HA system, aren’t we? 4.Join Hyper-V hosts to a domain 5.Configure and provision shared storage via StarWind Virtual SAN Hint: Hint: to add a server to the domain, open the command line interface and type NETDOM /Domain:MYDOMAIN /user:adminuser /password:apassword MEMBER MYCOMPUTER /JOINDOMAIN
I’VE GOT TWO NEW BOXES WITH SERVERS INSIDE, WHAT’S NEXT? (FULFILLING CLUSTER PRE-REQUISITES) 6.Install the Failover Clustering feature on each Hyper-V host PowerShell script: Install-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering -Computername Server1, Server2 7.Install the MPIO feature on each Hyper-V host (PowerShell script for this…) PowerShell script: Install-WindowsFeature -Name Multipath-IO –Computername Server1, Server2 8.Validate the configuration of Hyper-V hosts use one of DC VMs for this (recommended, required for Microsoft’s support) PowerShell script: Test-Cluster Server1, Server2 9.Create a new cluster PowerShell script: New-Cluster -Name ClusterName -Node Server1, Server2
Q&A Feel free to ask the presenters any questions
CONTACT US Download 5nine Manager for Hyper-V here: Contact 5nine Software: USA/Canada: Europe: +44 (20) Download StarWind Virtual SAN 30-Day Trial here: StarWind Software Inc.: 301 Edgewater Place, Wakefield, MA USA/Canada: EMEA and Asia: