CCHT NIPT Competence Center CCHT NIPT Competence Center Tänapäev rasedate diagnostikas Kaarel Krjutškov PhD Eesti Teaduslik Selts Rootsis, nov 2015
OECD raport, 2013 Estimated risk of Down syndrome according to maternal age
Invasive procedures Chorionic villus sampling (weeks 10-12) Amniocentesis(weeks 17-18)
NIPT – Noninvasive Prenatale genetic Testing
Our aims Our aims: 1.NIPT Competence Centre in Estonia 2.Launch NIPT service using already accepted method 3.Develop novel NIPT method to: get technological independence (IP) create compeditive novel technology reduce test self-price 4.Provide it to open market with market price 5.Provide it to all pregnant through Estonia health insurance fund with reduced price