Introduction My aim for this PowerPoint is for me to show what is required for me to apply for a job in character design. So these slide will shown what I have research and who I have contacted in order for me to get the information I need for this industry.
Question for character designer to answer Below I am going to list the 8 questions I have sent off to a bunch of characters and that I have asked on forums, which I can then used to get a idea of what I will need to focus on when I aim for a job in this industry: 1.What are the usual requirements for a person applying for a job as a character designer or animator for your company? 2.How did you join the Company and what difficultly did you find in adjusting the new work space? 3.How did you go about making you portfolio - did you make an online version as well? 4.What is your time schedule like for a normal day on any given project? 5.What advice could you give someone who is just starting in the business? 6.What computer technology did you need for this industry? 7.How many examples of your work did you use your portfolio? 8.What advice could you give a newcomer in making the contacts needing to work in the industry?
Examples of applications for a character design job
Examples of applications for a character design job 2
Examples of applications for a character design job 3
Examples of applications for a character design job 4
Examples of Portfolios of art work
Examples of Portfolios of art work 2
Examples of Portfolios of art work 3
How I am going to use the information I gather
References Job applicant 1: b287d3e76c5a5e27 b287d3e76c5a5e27 Job applicant 2: Job applicant 3: Job applicant 4: resources/jobs/Creative-Character-Product-Designer- b67e23d59c904c52http:// resources/jobs/Creative-Character-Product-Designer- b67e23d59c904c52
Examples of Portfolios of art work : Examples of Portfolios of art work 2: Examples of Portfolios of art work 3: