The Transformative Nature of Multimodal Writing in Journalism By Sissel McCarthy aka: How Digital Journalism Changes Everything
The writing studies field needs to rethink its goal of migrating writing to instead transforming our understanding of writing as multimodal composing that better prepares undergraduates to communicate successfully within professional and social contexts outside the academy. Kristine L. Blair
Journalism Concentration at Hunter College Reporting and Writing 1 Learning Outcomes: Write an inverted pyramid style story on deadline Use AP Style in all written assignments Incorporate basic news writing conventions in all stories Identify the differences between hard news stories and features Conduct interviews using best journalistic practices and professionalism Demonstrate news judgment in pitching, reporting and writing stories Understand basic libel law and journalistic ethics Build a personal website and use digital media to report, publish and promote stories
Multimedia Reporting and Writing in RW1 1.Build a domain. 2.Publish their work using digital artifacts/multimedia elements that complement their print story. 3.Use social media to report and promote their stories: class Twitter hashtag: #hunterjourpgm and class Instagram: hunterjourpgm 4.Use Snapchat to tell their print stories in one minute or less.
Journalism Concentration at Hunter College Reporting and Writing 2 Learning Outcomes: Identify, report and write newsworthy stories using best practices for online, audio and visual storytelling Organize and tell multimodal stories in ways that hold reader or viewer interest Interview effectively across all platforms Self-edit Produce stories that reflect diverse viewpoints and sources Use social media to research, report, publish, and promote stories: Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat
Multimedia Reporting and Writing in RW2 1. Start with team presentations on award winning multimedia stories. 2. Pick a beat and dig deep to find a story that they can report from multiple angles across all platforms. 3. Start the reporting process that includes traditional shoe leather reporting as well as crowdsourcing (if appropriate) and some kind of data. 4. Tailor their writing to the medium. 5. Publish all their work on their website as well as on class social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, Youtube.
Transformative Outcomes: 1.Students start thinking in dimensions for their four assignments: online story, podcast, visual story and Snapchat story. 2.Students consider the advantages as well as the demands of each platform at every step of the reporting and storytelling process. 3.Students tell learn how to tell stories in both linear and non-linear styles. 4.Students tell stories more completely. 5.Students integrate new media and multimedia elements in their work because that medium is the appropriate way to tell that slice or angle of the bigger story.