Naturally formed solid that is usually made up of one or more minerals Minerals combine to form most rocks Minerals – have a definite chemical makeup Rocks do not have a crystal structure Limestone has only one mineral Obsidian and Coal have no minerals
Earth is almost all rock Used for many things Monuments and sculptures made of We study to learn how things change
Rocks change over thousands/millions of years Never stops – no start or end Does not have to go in an order
Forms when molten rock cools and becomes solid Can form within Earth or on surface Rocks formed deep underground can come to surface
Forms when pieces of rocks or other plants/loose material press or cemented together New minerals can form in spaces where not cemented together Sediment gets carried by water or wind Water evaporates leaves behind minerals that dissolve in water
Forms when heat and/or pressure changes older rocks Structure of rocks change – new minerals created Can raise to surface over time
All three kinds can be found here 95% of entire crust Igneous and Metamorphic 75% of the surface is Sedimentary Distribution due to rock cycle