Chapter 24 section 3 GERMANY: HITLER
Hitler and his views Racism, especially anti-Semitism Extreme nationalist Took control of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI) Party Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle): extreme German nationalism, anti-Semitism, anti-communism and the idea that there is a right of superior nations to lebensraum (living space) through expansion and the right of superior individuals to gain authoritarian leadership over the masses.
Rise of Nazism The Nazi party became the largest party in the Reichstag – the German parliament. Great Depression Hitler promised to create a new Germany.
Victory of Nazism Hitler was granted the title of chancellor and create a new government by President Hindenburg in The Enabling Act: gave the government the power to ignore the constitution for four years while it issued laws to deal with the country’s problems. The Enabling Act gave Hilter’s later actions a legal basis, Hitler became a dictator appointed by the parliament itself.
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: How did the Nazis take everything under their control? Read page 406, second paragraph. Concentration camps Trade unions dissolved All political parties except the Nazis were abolished President abolished and Hitler became sole ruler
THE NAZI STATE Totalitarian State Create an Aryan state (the Third Reich) What policies did Hitler use? Read page 407. Used terror: the SS directed by Heinrich Himmler Public works projects and grants to put people back to work – rearmament program Mass demonstrations: Nuremberg party rallies Institutions under Nazi control Women were meant to be wives and mothers Nuremberg laws: excluded Jews from citizenship and marrying German citizens, wear yellow Stars of David Kristallnacht (night of shattered glass)- Nazis burnt synagogues and destroyed Jewish businesses
WORLD: Bingo Create a bingo (WORLD) card, have 5 spaces across and up and down. Write each of the following words in each space, mix them up, do not place them in the exact spaces as you see. DepressionUnequal Distribution of Wealth FascismNAZIHeinrich Himmler FrancoWeimar Republic Benito Mussolini Mein KampfNuremberg laws Deficit Spending FDRReichstagLebensraumKristallnacht Dawes PlanNew DealConcentration Camp Enabling ActPropaganda League of Nations Totalitarian State Adolf HitlerDisposable Income Collectivization
DIRECTIONS Each row, each person is assigned to create 5 clues for their appropriate set of words. These clues will be used for WORLD: Bingo.