Kritiks and Critical Theory – a Primer With Rodrigo Paramo, Tyler Haulotte, and Eric Emerson
Structure of today’s presentation I. Introduction II. Parts of a critique with examples III. Types – A. Structural B. Identity C. Thinking D. Representations/Discursive
Introduction – What is it? Examples – please be brief – Copernicus? Martin Luther King and Malcolm X? What are they kritiking? First wave feminists in America, circa 19 th and early 20 th century?
II. Parts Link – Impact Role of the ballot or standard Alternative?
Helpful hints We have imbedded citations and authors throughout the presentation. Please check out the notes section after we are done. In addition, you can always search the applications of these authors to the topics you will debate throughout the year. Our recommended search engines include: Google scholar, Project Muse, Taylor and Francis, Sage Publications, ebsco, etc. Many of your schools have access. If not, ask recent graduates, friends, or siblings who may have access to college databases.
III. Types – there are a lot! Please know that we are, to the best of our ability, providing brief synopsis on various bodies of literature that have a lot written on them and that are way more complex than we can flush out in our limited time. Your understanding will improve by engaging the literature. The stuff that we are talking about is discussed in undergraduate and graduate schools and in various departments across universities.
Structural Capitalism Kritik, Kritiks of economic theory, and development
Structural Biopower/Biopolitics – Nietzsche, Foucault, Agamben, Deleuze, etc.
Structural Anarchism – state is bad, always bad, really bad.
Identity Race – Afro-pessimism, Anti-Blackness, Wilderson Gender – Sexuality, Orientation, Queer Theory, and Radical Queer Futurity
Identity (cont..) Ableism – it is both a critique of thinking and of representations – it links if the AC says we are blinded by….or we fail to see that…. 1.Immigration itself is ableist 2.Exclusion of disabled bodies underlies all forms of oppression and mass death; All oppressive systems operate by isolating and eliminating people with traits deemed inferior and deviant. Only by reconceiving how disabled bodies appear can we begin to undo the underlying justification for all forms of violence against disqualified populations. 3.Alternative: Only beginning with an epistemic rejection of disabling dichotomies solves the ontological position of subordinated identities.
Identity Anthropocentrism, object oriented ontology and new materialism Post-Colonial Studies, Native American/indigenous radicalism Class – see Cap K above, but from an identity viewpoint
Identity Intersectionality – when we think of ‘gay rights’ often we have an image of the classical mainstream media version of an attractive gay, affluent white male – Do you think the conditions of being gay changes if it’s a poor white woman? How about a gay black man? How about a trans-gendered poor person, not someone like Kaitlin Jenner (sp?)
Kritiks of Thinking Civil rights was a kritik of thinking. So too was Copernicus and Galileo Psychoanalysis – What is the real – 1.Real – the Real is the negative of the Symbolic and serves as its border, its limit. Each is defined in terms of what the other is not. Consequently, the Symbolic concept cannot exist in the Real ideal and vice versa - the two are mutually inconsistent. To achieve the Real would, therefore, be to obliterate the Symbolic. 2.Symbolic – symbols of things like security, life saving, justice of values – it’s a belief in the utopian fantasy of order 3.Lack – between the real and the symbolic is the space that we can never achieve – we are always lacking – example is awkward moment amongst friends or colleagues 4.Attachment - Utopian fantasies of social order are not only impossible because of our inherent subjectivity and reliance on the big Other, but also necessitate scapegoating and violence to those who are still “different”
Kritiks of Thinking Security Kritik – Critical Pedagogy
Representation Based Its not what you say that matters but why we do things. Representation Kritiks include bad word Ks, Orientalism, Gender and all of the other ones