Voting Qualifications
Universal Requirements Citizenship Aliens are generally denied the right to vote However, nothing in the constitution says that they can’t Any state could allow them to do so if it chose to
Residence You have to be a legal resident in the state that you wish to cast a vote in To prevent bribery of outsiders to sway the election results To be sure that the citizens have enough time to become familiar with the candidates Voting Rights Act 1970: Banned any waiting period or more than 30 days for a presidential election
Age 26th Amendment: Voting age can be no more than 18 However, it can be less What else can you legally do when you are 18 years old?
Other Requirements Registration 49 states require voters to be registered North Dakota does not require registration
Other Requirements Literacy No states today have literacy requirements Tax Payment 24th Amendment Outlawed the poll tax
Other Requirements 15th Amendment Right to vote cannot be denied based on race, color, or previous servitude 19th Amendment Right to vote cannot be based on sex