Lesson 8: Genesis 4; Moses 5 Sacrifice
The Fall created a need The Fall brought: 1.Physical Death 2.Spiritual Death 3.A telestial, fallen earth The need? Sacrifice. How does It overcome these results? 1.Alma 11: Nephi 2:10; Helaman 14:16–17 3.Doctrine and Covenants 88:17–20
Christ’s sacrifice was both physical and spiritual. The pivotal part of the plan – All leading up to it point to it – Everything after points back to it
Adam’s Sacrifice Genesis 4:1. Where is it found in Moses 5? Not until v16! What is missing? – Adam is commanded to make sacrifices, does not know why. – Angel teaches him that the sacrifice “is a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten” – Symbolism of the lamb? – Pure, “firstling”, son, white.
The Unification Church (The “Moonies”) Basically a cult, in the sense that they worship a single leader as Christ. Founded and led by Korean Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Believe that Moon is the Messiah, the second coming of Christ, come to save all people.
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My experience “Reverend Moon is here because Christ failed, He didn’t save all mankind, He died trying” “Except for a few small versus in Isaiah, the Bible doesn’t ever say Jesus was supposed to die” Wait, what? How important is it that Adam’s story of sacrifice is there? It establishes the theme right after the Fall. This is the story of the Old Testament; this is the Old Covenant.
Genesis version Genesis 4:1-5 Cain was born He was a tiller of the ground Brought an offering of fruit unto the Lord Abel brought firstling of his flock as an offering God rejected Cain’s, accepted Abel’s Well, that doesn’t seem fair Cain gets mad, kills Abel
Cain offers fruit to the Lord Lord rejects offering Cain makes pact with Satan (v29-31) Fall necessitates Atonement Adam is taught sacrifice. v16 – Cain hearkened not Satan tells Cain to make fruit offering Cain kills Abel Moses Version Do you think he taught his children? v18 – “Cain loved Satan more than God” How important is context to this story?
What is our sacrifice? What similitude do we participate in today that helps us look back at Christ’s sacrifice? The sacrament D&C 20:77-79 Elements of our sacrifice: – Remember Him – Take His name – Keep His commandments – Have His Spirit (not just the actions)
Notebook Ideas Why is it so important to remember the sacrifice of Christ? What does it have to do with our personal accountability? How has Satan been so successful at leading away the children of God, even those who heard His voice directly, like Cain?