Abraham By: Alex N.
Early Years Abraham linclon grew up in Kentucky in a log cabin with his Mom, Dad, and sister. When he was little he built log cabins and he loved to read. His mom and aunt and unkle died from a sickness. His sister sometimes cride because she was the only girl. He went to school when he had time but he hardly did.
Middle Years He first joined the armed force for a army. After that he joined to be a representive of the state. He lost to be the representive to douglas. He got married to a women named Mary Todd.
Why was this Person Famous He ended slavery for the United states because he was president. He became president in the year 1860 that’s the year. His award was he ended slavery.
Why I chose this Person I chose this person because I thought he made great choces. I also chose him because he ended slavery. another one is I thought he new a lot about being president. I also thought he was a great Presiden of the united states that is why.
Timeline Born Febraury 12 in kentucky His mom died from a sickness. !820- The congress Had made a law saying know one could own a slaves Abraham Lincoln married marry Todd on november served as a member of the united states house of representatives Elected of the sixteenth president of the united states the civel war ended Presdent died because he got shot.