Descriptive Statistics Experiment Simulations Confidence Intervals Sampling Distribution Simulations Main Menu
Guess the Correlation Generate Random Number Mean/SD vs Median/IQR Descriptive Statistics Histogram with Sliders Main Menu
Uniform Normal Right Skewed Sampling Distributions Simulations Binary Main Menu
Proportion Mean Confidence Intervals Main Menu
Flip a Coin Roll a Dice Experiment Simulations Spinner Main Menu
Guess the Correlation elation.html Main Menu
Mean/SD vs Median/IQR -Enter in Sample Size -Simulation – Generates a random dataset of values from 1 to 5 (not integers) of specified sample size -Add point – Can add an additional value (prompted as to what value) Action: Output Summary Statistics of Mean/Standard Deviation/Median/IQR Main Menu
Random Number Generator -Set Minimum -Set Maximum -Set Sample Size -Check box of whether to allow repeats -Set Seed Action: Generates Random Numbers from inputs. Main Menu
Histogram with Sliders -Input Data Action: Creates Histogram -Slider that moves starting point -Slider that changes bin width Main Menu
Uniform -Input Mean and Median and Sample Size and number of iterations Action: Randomly Selects sample of specified size -Displays Sample on Center Graph -Finds Mean of Sample -Displays Mean of Sample on Third Graph -Calculate Mean, Median, and St. Dev of Third Graph -Repeat for specified number of iterations (only have to animate if iteration size is lesss than 10) Main Menu
Right Skewed -Input Mean and Median and Sample Size and number of iterations Action: Randomly Selects sample of specified size -Displays Sample on Center Graph -Finds Mean of Sample -Displays Mean of Sample on Third Graph -Calculate Mean, Median, and St. Dev of Third Graph -Repeat for specified number of iterations (only have to animate if iteration size is lesss than 10) Main Menu
Normal -Input Mean and Median and Sample Size and number of iterations Action: Randomly Selects sample of specified size -Displays Sample on Center Graph -Finds Mean of Sample -Displays Mean of Sample on Third Graph -Calculate Mean, Median, and St. Dev of Third Graph -Repeat for specified number of iterations (only have to animate if iteration size is lesss than 10) Main Menu
Binary -Input Proportion, Sample Size and number of iterations Action: Randomly Selects sample of specified size -Displays Sample on Center Graph -Finds Mean of Sample -Displays Mean of Sample on Third Graph -Calculate Mean, Median, and St. Dev of Third Graph -Repeat for specified number of iterations (only have to animate if iteration size is lesss than 10) Main Menu
CI for Proportion - htmlhttp:// html -Choose Proportions as method Main Menu
CI for Mean - htmlhttp:// html -Choose Means as method Main Menu
Coin Flip OneProp.htm Main Menu
Roll a Dice php?name=rolldice - Note you have to scroll down to see the app Main Menu
Spinner Spinner/ Main Menu