1.Bob Iacovazzi (NOAA) - Road to Pre-operational Phase Presentation 2.All – Discussion & Feedback 3.Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) – Reminders: Korea, Conference,


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Presentation transcript:

1.Bob Iacovazzi (NOAA) - Road to Pre-operational Phase Presentation 2.All – Discussion & Feedback 3.Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) – Reminders: Korea, Conference, IVOS, Solar PIs 4.Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) – Next web meetings GRWG Web Meeting Pre-Operational Readiness Review for GEO-LEO Hyperspectral IR products

Slide: 2 09 July 2016 GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance (GPPA): Pep Talk The GPPA is designed to provide a clear statement of inter-calibration product quality to the operational and research weather satellite data user communities. Such a procedure - involving rigorous inspection, review, verification and testing associated with satellite inter-calibration methods, and their implementation, results and impacts - is ultimately essential for the "G" in GSICS to represent the "Global" service that it proclaims. Please remain committed to the GPPA process, as it becomes important in building trust between GSICS product producers and their data users.

Slide: 3 09 July 2016 EUMETSAT GPRC Update New 2D Re-Analysis Correction in netCDF on EUMETSAT’s GSICS Data & Products Server – All results since in one file – Daily updates – Will produce new ReadMe GSICS pages of EUMETSAT website refreshed – Product Table

Slide: 4 09 July GSICS Users’ Workshop GSICS Users’ Workshop – Collocated with EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference – Oslo, Norway – 5-9 September 2011 (Workshop date TBD – e.g. Tues/Wed pm) – GSICS poster section – Abstracts due 21 January!

Slide: 5 09 July 2016 Priority Actions from IVOS Meeting 1.Set up small working groups (in-conjunction with GSICS building and generalising upon its current working groups) to draft a CEOS endorsable best practise “procedure” for the various vicarious calibration/validation methodologies It was agreed that a first step would be to establish a fully sortable database (all fields) on the Cal/Val portal to collate results of past comparisons between “optical” sensors or sensors to a “reference” (methodology or test-site) 3.It was noted that if we are to regularly compare between sensors and between methodologies we need to agree some protocols to aid data exchange and interoperability. Access to GSICS Data & Products Servers?

Slide: 6 09 July 2016 Reminders for next GSICS meeting Next GRWG/GDWG Meeting – March 2011, Daejeon, South Korea – Please return Attendance forms NOW! (By 18 Jan) – Started compiling ideas for agenda items on Wiki: – – Please let me/Aleksandar know if you have other items

Slide: 7 09 July 2016 Reminder for Solar PIs From minutes of Toulouse meeting: – “It was agreed that a Principle Investigator (PI) be assigned to coordinate the research and development of each method. These are identified in the list of methods below. Their role is to liaise with other GSICS members to define the method in detail, describe its potential application to GEO imagers, to evaluate the above criteria and perform a full error propagation to estimate the likely uncertainties for the method. This should include both systematic and random errors to assess the method’s accuracy – both absolute and relative to adjacent time, date and space intervals, other channels and instruments. Action GRWG 5.5: PIs to report full assessment at the next GSICS meeting in early 2011.

Slide: 8 09 July 2016 Next Web Meetings TBD – GDWG/GRWG – Template for GSICS Bias Monitoring web pages TBD – GRWG/GDWG – Preparation for Daejeon meeting: – Agenda items, schedule, logistics – How should attendees prepare?