Belgian User Support and Operations Centre B.USOC SOLAR Operations Concept and Services SOLSPEC Workshop 10 March 2015 BIRA/IASB
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre Outline Introduction to SOLAR operations The services SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre Introduction to SOLAR operations SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre April 30 th, 2010 SpaceOps Dealing with Operations Constraints for External Payloads on ISS Slide 4 Introduction: NASA Image SOLAR NASA Image COLUMBUS
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre Columbus ground segment Small control centers for payload control in the User Support and Operations Center (USOC). Columbus Control Center (Col-CC), Munich, for system operations.
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre SOLAR mission: 2008-today SOLAR F2F – BUSOC Overview
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre SOLAR in few words Integrated platform accommodating three instruments, tracking the Sun: SOLSPEC, SolACES (and SOVIM) Mission duration: extended to February 2017 Observation time: +/- 20 min per orbit during “Sun Visibility Window” (SVW) of ~12 days /month SOLSPEC SolACES SOVIM CPD
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre SOLAR Operational constraints Beta angle (-24 deg -> 24 deg) and ISS ATL (SVW) Day/night and relay satellites coverage South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) ISS activities (thrusters, dockings, ventings, EVA…) ISS ressources (Power, gnd cmd,…) SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015 NASA
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre SOLAR Sun Visibility Windows (SVW) SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre The B.USOC Services What do we do? SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Procedure Development SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015 Flight Rules and Payload Regulation i.e.: Thermal clock in case of loss of power
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Displays SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? SOLAR F2F – BUSOC Overview Commands stack, command schedule
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Science planning (PI’s inputs – ISS and ground constraints) SOLAR F2F – BUSOC Overview
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Monitoring and control on console. SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Monitoring and control on console. During SVW –B.USOC Ops on console 16/7 to support SOLAR operations (07:00 – 23:00) –On call during the night Outside SVW –B.USOC Ops on site 8/5 to support Col-FCT (09:00 – 17:00) –On call outside office hours and during the weekend The YAMCS Notification Add-on tool (TYNA) operational since July 2014, monitors SOLAR TM when no science is running. SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Daily reports SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? SOLAR F2F – BUSOC Overview Anomaly resolution and troubleshooting. i.e.: AIB failure
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Being creative: i.e.: Bridging of SVW Measurements during a full sun rotation (~27 days) for irradiance variations vs. sun spots Idea to bridge the gap between 2 SVWs by tweaking the ISS attitude. SOLAR F2F – BUSOC Overview
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Data Archive and distribution. –Scientists use a so called “User Home Base” (UHB) –Secured connection to B.USOC through VPN –Installation of YAMCS (Yet Another Mission Control System) SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre YAMCS – Replay capability 22
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre YAMCS – Archive Browser 23
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre YAMCS – Packet Inspection 24
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre What do we do? Provide support in the design of future payloads. –By reviewing Experiments Scientific Requirements –By taking part of Payload Design Review, Critical Design Review… SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015
Belgian User Support and Operations Centre Thank you! SOLSPEC Workshop – 10 mars 2015