Session A2: Legal and Policy Frameworks for SEA in Asia CONCLUSION IAIA SEA conference in Prague, Czech Republic 28 Sep International Experience and Perspective in SEA Topic chairs: Kii HAYASHI Elvis Au Young-il Song
Key issues Issue1: What are the key characteristics and major challenges of national and local SEA systems in Asia? Issue2: What are the similarities and differences of national and local SEA systems in Asia? Issue3: What are the lessons and learned from an Asian Country’s experiences? Issue4: What are the key priorities in improving the effectiveness of SEA in Asia? Issue5: Is there a need or possibility for future cooperation on SEA in the Asian region?
Workshops Isssu1: National Experience of SEA –5 oral presentations (China, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea) Issue2:Comparative Analysis of SEA systems and experiences –comparative study from WB Issue3 to 5: Better Cooperation in Asia –Free discussion mainly on future cooperation
Main trend and issues Asia is huge in area and population. Need more development in a sustainable way. SEA is one tool to achieve this goal among other SD tools. The infrastructure of the EIA has been built up in Asian region. However, only few covers PPPs such as China, Hong Kong, South Korea, etc. Capacity building and practices remain to be major issues. International players (WB, ADB, developed countries) have a vital role to promote to develop capacity building of SEA in the region. Need to share knowledge and experiences among neighbor countries in Asian region. However, network for transforming knowledge and experiences are still weak.
Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths –Advantages of geographical proximity and similarities in cultures and ways of thinking. –This similarities and flexibility and adaptability of SEA processes can overcome different circumstances in different socio-economic settings. Weaknesses –Lack of cooperation in Asia on SEA –Insufficient information, experience and knowledge sharing across different settings –Except for a few places in Asia, there is a lack of commitment, capacity and knowledge in managing and enforcing SEA
Future direction short term –Promote to build up network (discussion) for information sharing in collaboration with WB and others –Gradually develop multi-nodal network of SEA knowledge centers in Asia (starting from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan and Sri Lanka ) on common interests in a bilingual form –Establish 3 focal points of contacts
Future direction Medium term –Hold annual meetings for follow-up of these activities in every IAIA annual conference –Hold Asian SEA/EIA concurrent session in annual IAIA conference –In the future, consider a mini-regional conference under IAIA in Asia and establish a network of Asian professionals under IAIA –To support an IAIA annual conference to be held in Asia